Guido de Blasio
Guido de Blasio
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Mr. Rossi, Mr. Hu and politics. The role of immigration in shaping natives' voting behavior
G Barone, A D'Ignazio, G De Blasio, P Naticchioni
Journal of Public Economics 136, 1-13, 2016
Evaluating the impact of investment incentives: The case of Italy's Law 488/1992
R Bronzini, G De Blasio
Journal of urban Economics 60 (2), 327-349, 2006
Does trade credit substitute bank credit? Evidence from firm‐level data
G Blasio
Economic notes 34 (1), 85-112, 2005
Do workers benefit from industrial agglomeration?
G De Blasio, S Di Addario
Journal of regional Science 45 (4), 797-827, 2005
Does the expansion of higher education increase the equality of educational opportunities? Evidence from Italy
M Bratti, D Checchi, G De Blasio
Labour 22, 53-88, 2008
Historical traditions of civicness and local economic development
G De Blasio, G Nuzzo
Journal of Regional Science 50 (4), 833-857, 2010
Policies for local development: An evaluation of Italy's “Patti Territoriali”
A Accetturo, G De Blasio
Regional Science and Urban Economics 42 (1-2), 15-26, 2012
Evaluating the impact of innovation incentives: evidence from an unexpected shortage of funds
G De Blasio, D Fantino, G Pellegrini
Industrial and Corporate Change 24 (6), 1285-1314, 2015
Urban–rural differences in internet usage, e‐commerce, and e‐banking: Evidence from Italy
G De Blasio
Growth and change 39 (2), 341-367, 2008
Credito commerciale e politica monetaria: una verifica basata sull’investimento in scorte
G De Blasio
L. Cannari, S. Chiri e M. Omiccioli (a cura di), Imprese o intermediari, 0
Public guarantees to SME borrowing. A RDD evaluation
G De Blasio, S De Mitri, A D'Ignazio, PF Russo, L Stoppani
Journal of Banking & Finance 96, 73-86, 2018
Production and consumption externalities of human capital: An empirical study for Italy
A Dalmazzo, G De Blasio
Journal of Population Economics 20, 359-382, 2007
Boulevard of broken dreams. The end of EU funding (1997: Abruzzi, Italy)
G Barone, F David, G De Blasio
Regional Science and Urban Economics 60, 31-38, 2016
My parents taught Me. Evidence on the family transmission of values
G Albanese, G De Blasio, P Sestito
Journal of Population Economics 29, 571-592, 2016
Marshallian labour market pooling: Evidence from Italy
M Andini, G De Blasio, G Duranton, WC Strange
Regional Science and Urban Economics 43 (6), 1008-1022, 2013
Targeting with machine learning: An application to a tax rebate program in Italy
M Andini, E Ciani, G de Blasio, A D'Ignazio, V Salvestrini
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 156, 86-102, 2018
European structural funds during the crisis: evidence from Southern Italy
E Ciani, G De Blasio
IZA Journal of Labor Policy 4, 1-31, 2015
Electoral rules and voter turnout
G Barone, G De Blasio
International Review of Law and Economics 36, 25-35, 2013
A tale of an unwanted outcome: Transfers and local endowments of trust and cooperation
A Accetturo, G De Blasio, L Ricci
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 102, 74-89, 2014
Populist voting and losers’ discontent: Does redistribution matter?
G Albanese, G Barone, G De Blasio
European Economic Review 141, 104000, 2022
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20