Mauro Fiorentino
Mauro Fiorentino
Università della Basilicata
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Two‐component extreme value distribution for flood frequency analysis
F Rossi, M Fiorentino, P Versace
Water Resources Research 20 (7), 847-856, 1984
The olive tree: a paradigm for drought tolerance in Mediterranean climates
A Sofo, S Manfreda, M Fiorentino, B Dichio, C Xiloyannis
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 12 (1), 293-301, 2008
Geographical information systems in hydrology
VP Singh, M Fiorentino
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
DREAM: a distributed model for runoff, evapotranspiration, and antecedent soil moisture simulation
S Manfreda, M Fiorentino, V Iacobellis
Advances in Geosciences 2, 31-39, 2005
Hierarchical approach for regional flood frequency analysis
M Fiorentino, S Gabriele, F Rossi, P Versace
International symposium on flood frequency and risk analyses, 35-49, 1987
Derived distribution of floods based on the concept of partial area coverage with a climatic appeal
V Iacobellis, M Fiorentino
Water Resources Research 36 (2), 469-482, 2000
DEM-based approaches for the delineation of flood-prone areas in an ungauged basin in Africa
C Samela, S Manfreda, FD Paola, M Giugni, A Sole, M Fiorentino
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 21 (2), 06015010, 2016
An entropy‐based morphological analysis of river basin networks
M Fiorentino, P Claps, VP Singh
Water resources research 29 (4), 1215-1224, 1993
Scaling characteristics of spatial patterns of soil moisture from distributed modelling
S Manfreda, MF McCabe, M Fiorentino, I Rodríguez-Iturbe, EF Wood
Advances in water resources 30 (10), 2145-2150, 2007
Informational entropy of fractal river networks
P Claps, M Fiorentino, G Oliveto
Journal of Hydrology 187 (1-2), 145-156, 1996
New insights about the climatic and geologic control on the probability distribution of floods
M Fiorentino, V Iacobellis
Water Resources Research 37 (3), 721-730, 2001
Entropy approach for 2D velocity distribution in open-channel flow
G Marini, G De Martino, N Fontana, M Fiorentino, VP Singh
Journal of Hydraulic Research 49 (6), 784-790, 2011
Peak runoff contributing area as hydrological signature of the probability distribution of floods
M Fiorentino, S Manfreda, V Iacobellis
Advances in Water Resources 30 (10), 2123-2134, 2007
Can the basin morphology alone provide an insight into floodplain delineation?
S Manfreda, A Sole, M Fiorentino
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 118, 47-56, 2008
Runoff thresholds in derived flood frequency distributions
A Gioia, V Iacobellis, S Manfreda, M Fiorentino
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 12 (6), 1295-1307, 2008
Hydraulic features of supercritical flow along prismatic side weirs
G Oliveto, V Biggiero, M Fiorentino
Journal of Hydraulic Research 39 (1), 73-82, 2001
A historical perspective of entropy applications in water resources
VP Singh, M Fiorentino
Entropy and energy dissipation in water resources, 21-61, 1992
Probabilistic flow duration curves for use in environmental planning and management
P Claps, M Fiorentino
Integrated approach to environmental data management systems, 255-266, 1997
Regional flood frequency estimation using the two-component extreme value distribution
M Fiorentino, P Versace, F Rossi
Hydrological Sciences Journal 30 (1), 51-64, 1985
The two-component extreme value distribution for flood frequency analysis: Derivation of a new estimation method
M Fiorentino, K Arora, VP Singh
Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics 1, 199-208, 1987
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20