Giulia Fuochi
Giulia Fuochi
Assistant Professor (tenure track), Department FISPPA - Applied Psychology, University of Padova
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Cited by
Desperate housework: Relative resources, time availability, economic dependency, and gender ideology across Europe
A Aassve, G Fuochi, L Mencarini
Journal of Family Issues 35 (8), 1000-1022, 2014
Relating mindfulness, heartfulness, and psychological well-being: The role of self-compassion and gratitude
A Voci, CA Veneziani, G Fuochi
Mindfulness 10 (2), 339-351, 2019
What is your couple type? Gender ideology, housework-sharing, and babies
A Aassve, G Fuochi, L Mencarini, D Mendola
Demographic Research 32, 835-858, 2015
Self-compassion as a healthy attitude toward the self: Factorial and construct validity in an Italian sample
CA Veneziani, G Fuochi, A Voci
Personality and Individual Differences 119, 60-68, 2017
Exploring the social side of self‐compassion: Relations with empathy and outgroup attitudes
G Fuochi, CA Veneziani, A Voci
European Journal of Social Psychology 48 (6), 769-783, 2018
Childhood exposure to the Second World War and financial risk taking in adult life
D Bellucci, G Fuochi, P Conzo
Journal of Economic Psychology 79, 102196, 2020
Negative media portrayals of immigrants increase ingroup favoritism and hostile physiological and emotional reactions
P Conzo, G Fuochi, L Anfossi, F Spaccatini, CO Mosso
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 16407, 2021
Quality of life, coping strategies, social support and self‐efficacy in women after acute myocardial infarction: a mixed methods approach
G Fuochi, C Foà
Scandinavian journal of caring sciences 32 (1), 98-107, 2018
Is negative mass media news always associated with outgroup prejudice? The buffering role of direct contact
G Fuochi, A Voci, CA Veneziani, J Boin, B Fell, M Hewstone
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 23 (2), 195-213, 2020
The cultural foundations of happiness
P Conzo, A Aassve, G Fuochi, L Mencarini
Journal of Economic Psychology 62, 268-283, 2017
Close to me: The importance of closeness versus superficiality in explaining the positive‐negative contact asymmetry
G Fuochi, A Voci, J Boin, M Hewstone
European Journal of Social Psychology 50 (4), 766-782, 2020
A deeper look at the relationship between dispositional mindfulness and empathy: Meditation experience as a moderator and dereification processes as mediators
G Fuochi, A Voci
Personality and Individual Differences 165, 110122, 2020
Deprovincialization as a key correlate of ideology, prejudice, and intergroup contact
J Boin, G Fuochi, A Voci
Personality and Individual Differences 157, 109799, 2020
Fertility and life satisfaction in rural Ethiopia
P Conzo, G Fuochi, L Mencarini
Demography 54 (4), 1331-1351, 2017
COVID-19 threat and perceptions of common belonging with outgroups: The roles of prejudice-related individual differences and intergroup contact
G Fuochi, J Boin, A Voci, M Hewstone
Personality and Individual Differences 175, 110700, 2021
Affective generalization from intergroup contact: Associations between contact-related and outgroup-related empathy, anxiety, and trust
G Fuochi, A Voci, J Boin, M Hewstone
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 24 (7), 1132-1150, 2021
I padri coinvolti ei mariti egalitari: per scelta o per vincoli? Uno sguardo alle coppie italiane con figli piccoli
G Fuochi, L Mencarini, C Solera
AG About Gender-International Journal of Gender Studies 3 (6), 2014
A deep dive into compassion: Italian validation, network analysis, and correlates of recent compassion scales.
A Lucarini, G Fuochi, A Voci
European Journal of Psychological Assessment 39 (5), 371, 2023
The de-automatizing function of mindfulness facets: An empirical test
G Fuochi, A Voci
Mindfulness 11, 940-952, 2020
Dealing with the ups and downs of life: positive dispositions in coping with negative and positive events and their relationships with well-being indicators
G Fuochi, A Voci
Journal of Happiness Studies 22 (6), 2435-2456, 2021
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Articles 1–20