Yong Oh Lee
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DistressNet: a wireless ad hoc and sensor network architecture for situation management in disaster response
SM George, W Zhou, H Chenji, M Won, YO Lee, A Pazarloglou, R Stoleru, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 48 (3), 128-136, 2010
Application of deep neural network and generative adversarial network to industrial maintenance: A case study of induction motor fault detection
YO Lee, J Jo, J Hwang
Big Data (Big Data), 2017 IEEE International Conference on, 2017
CEGAN: Classification Enhancement Generative Adversarial Networks for unraveling data imbalance problems
S Suh, H Lee, P Lukowicz, YO Lee
Neural Networks 133, 69-86, 2021
Generalized multiscale feature extraction for remaining useful life prediction of bearings with generative adversarial networks
S Suh, P Lukowicz, YO Lee
Knowledge-Based Systems 237, 107866, 2022
Generative oversampling method for imbalanced data on bearing fault detection and diagnosis
S Suh, H Lee, J Jo, P Lukowicz, YO Lee
Applied Sciences 9 (4), 746, 2019
Prediction performance of an artificial neural network model for the amount of cooling energy consumption in hotel rooms
JW Moon, SK Jung, YO Lee, S Choi
Energies 8 (8), 8226-8243, 2015
Two-stage generative adversarial networks for binarization of color document images
S Suh, J Kim, P Lukowicz, YO Lee
Pattern Recognition 130, 108810, 2022
Predicting chemical properties using self-attention multi-task learning based on SMILES representation
S Lim, YO Lee
2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 3146-3153, 2021
Supervised health stage prediction using convolutional neural networks for bearing wear
S Suh, J Jang, S Won, MS Jha, YO Lee
Sensors 20 (20), 5846, 2020
Discriminative feature generation for classification of imbalanced data
S Suh, P Lukowicz, YO Lee
Pattern Recognition 122, 108302, 2022
COVID-19 through adverse outcome pathways: Building networks to better understand the disease–3rd CIAO AOP design workshop
LA Clerbaux, N Amigó, MJ Amorim, A Bal-Price, SB Leite, A Beronius, ...
Altex 39 (2), 322–335, 2022
Robust shipping label recognition and validation for logistics by using deep neural networks
S Suh, H Lee, YO Lee, P Lukowicz, J Hwang
2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 4509-4513, 2019
Constructing disjoint paths for failure recovery and multipath routing
YO Lee, ALN Reddy
Computer Networks 56 (2), 719-730, 2012
Two-stage generative adversarial networks for document image binarization with color noise and background removal
S Suh, J Kim, P Lukowicz, YO Lee
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.10103, 2020
Fusion of global-local features for image quality inspection of shipping label
S Suh, P Lukowicz, YO Lee
2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2643-2649, 2021
Disjoint multi-path routing and failure recovery
YO Lee, ALN Reddy
2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1-6, 2010
Supervised segmentation with domain adaptation for small sampled orbital CT images
S Suh, S Cheon, W Choi, YW Chung, WK Cho, JS Paik, SE Kim, ...
Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 9 (2), 783-792, 2022
Acute Adverse Effects of Metallic Nanomaterials on Cardiac and Behavioral Changes in Daphnia magna
J Park, C Park, Y Lee, C Ryu, J Park, Y Kim
Environments 9 (2), 26, 2022
Multi-Layer Nested Scatter Plot: a Data Wrangling Method for Correlated Multi-Channel Time Series Signals
J Jo, YO Lee, J Hwang
2018 First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for …, 2019
The Effect of Resampling on Data‐Imbalanced Conditions for Prediction towards Nuclear Receptor Profiling Using Deep Learning
YJK Yong Oh Lee
Molecular Informatics, 2020
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20