Giovanni Pilato
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Cited by
Road signs recognition using a dynamic pixel aggregation technique in the HSV color space
S Vitabile, G Pollaccia, G Pilato, F Sorbello
Proceedings 11th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing …, 2001
Humorist bot: Bringing computational humour in a chat-bot system
A Augello, G Saccone, S Gaglio, G Pilato
2008 international conference on complex, intelligent and software intensive …, 2008
A conversational agent based on a conceptual interpretation of a data driven semantic space
F Agostaro, A Augello, G Pilato, G Vassallo, S Gaglio
AI* IA 2005: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 9th Congress of the …, 2005
An approach to enhance chatbot semantic power and maintainability: experiences within the FRASI project
A Augello, G Pilato, A Machi, S Gaglio
2012 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Semantic Computing, 186-193, 2012
Mining social network users opinions’ to aid buyers’ shopping decisions
E D’Avanzo, G Pilato
Computers in Human Behavior 51, 1284-1294, 2015
Using Twitter sentiment and emotions analysis of Google Trends for decisions making
E D’Avanzo, G Pilato, M Lytras
Program 51 (3), 322-350, 2017
Artwork creation by a cognitive architecture integrating computational creativity and dual process approaches
A Augello, I Infantino, A Lieto, G Pilato, R Rizzo, F Vella
Biologically inspired cognitive architectures 15, 74-86, 2016
Automatic unsupervised polarity detection on a twitter data stream
D Terrana, A Augello, G Pilato
2014 IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, 128-134, 2014
Phase coherence in conceptual spaces for conversational agents
G Vassallo, G Pilato, A Augello, S Gaglio
Semantic computing, 357-371, 2010
Binding representational spaces of colors and emotions for creativity
A Augello, I Infantino, G Pilato, R Rizzo, F Vella
Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 5, 64-71, 2013
A kst-based system for student tutoring
G Pilato, R Pirrone, R Rizzo
Applied Artificial Intelligence 22 (4), 283-308, 2008
TSVD as a statistical estimator in the latent semantic analysis paradigm
G Pilato, G Vassallo
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 3 (2), 185-192, 2014
A chat-bot based multimodal virtual guide for cultural heritage tours.
A Santangelo, A Augello, A Gentile, G Pilato, S Gaglio
PSC, 114-120, 2006
Creation and cognition for humanoid live dancing
A Augello, I Infantino, A Manfrč, G Pilato, F Vella, A Chella
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 86, 128-137, 2016
An Emotional Storyteller Robot.
A Chella, RE Barone, G Pilato, R Sorbello
AAAI spring symposium: emotion, personality, and social behavior, 17-22, 2008
A lexicon-based approach for sentiment classification of Amazon books reviews in Italian language
F Chiavetta, GL Bosco, G Pilato
International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies 3, 159-170, 2016
Introducing a creative process on a cognitive architecture
A Augello, I Infantino, G Pilato, R Rizzo, F Vella
Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 6, 131-139, 2013
Creativity evaluation in a cognitive architecture
A Augello, I Infantino, G Pilato, R Rizzo, F Vella
Biologically inspired cognitive architectures 11, 29-37, 2015
I feel blue: Robots and humans sharing color representation for emotional cognitive interaction
I Infantino, G Pilato, R Rizzo, F Vella
Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2012: Proceedings of the Third …, 2013
A modular architecture for adaptive ChatBots
G Pilato, A Augello, S Gaglio
2011 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Semantic Computing, 177-180, 2011
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Articles 1–20