Tuukka Saarimaa
Cited by
Cited by
Common pool problems in voluntary municipal mergers
T Saarimaa, J Tukiainen
European Journal of Political Economy 38, 140-152, 2015
When does regression discontinuity design work? Evidence from random election outcomes
A Hyytinen, J Meriläinen, T Saarimaa, O Toivanen, J Tukiainen
Quantitative Economics 9 (2), 1019-1051, 2018
Political representation and effects of municipal mergers
O Harjunen, T Saarimaa, J Tukiainen
Political Science Research and Methods 9 (1), 72-88, 2021
Public employees as politicians: Evidence from close elections
A Hyytinen, J Meriläinen, T Saarimaa, O Toivanen, J Tukiainen
American Political Science Review 112 (1), 68-81, 2018
Effects of municipal mergers on voter turnout
S Lapointe, T Saarimaa, J Tukiainen
Local Government Studies 44 (4), 512-530, 2018
I don't care to belong to any club that will have me as a member: empirical analysis of municipal mergers
T Saarimaa, J Tukiainen
Political Science Research and Methods 2 (1), 97-117, 2014
Local representation and strategic voting: Evidence from electoral boundary reforms
T Saarimaa, J Tukiainen
European Journal of Political Economy 41, 31-45, 2016
Electoral vulnerability and size of local governments: Evidence from voting on municipal mergers
A Hyytinen, T Saarimaa, J Tukiainen
Journal of Public Economics 120, 193-204, 2014
Delivering affordable housing and neighborhood quality: A comparison of place-and tenant-based programs
E Eerola, T Saarimaa
Journal of Housing Economics 42, 44-54, 2018
JUE Insight: City-wide effects of new housing supply: Evidence from moving chains
C Bratu, O Harjunen, T Saarimaa
Journal of Urban Economics 133, 103528, 2023
Tax incentives and demand for mortgage debt: Evidence from the Finnish 1993 tax reform
T Saarimaa
International Journal of Housing Policy 10 (1), 19-40, 2010
Imputed rental income, taxation and income distribution in Finland
T Saarimaa
Urban Studies 48 (8), 1695-1714, 2011
Best education money can buy? Capitalization of school quality in Finland
O Harjunen, M Kortelainen, T Saarimaa
CESifo Economic Studies 64 (2), 150-175, 2018
Revisiting the effects of housing transfer taxes
E Eerola, O Harjunen, T Lyytikäinen, T Saarimaa
Journal of Urban Economics 124, 103367, 2021
Love Thy (elected) neighbor? Residential segregation, political representation, and local public goods
O Harjunen, T Saarimaa, J Tukiainen
The Journal of Politics 85 (3), 860-875, 2023
Do urban neighborhoods benefit from homeowners? Evidence from housing prices
M Kortelainen, T Saarimaa
The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 117 (1), 28-56, 2015
Politics in coalition formation of local governments
T Saarimaa, J Tukiainen
Spatial Economics Research Centre (SERC), London School of Economics and …, 2012
Asuinalueiden segregaatio ja naapurustovaikutukset
E Eerola, T Saarimaa
Taloustieteellinen yhdistys, 2019
Toimeentulotuen saajien elämäntilanne, asuminen ja työnteko
S Jauhiainen, T Korpela, E Eerola, T Lyytikäinen, T Saarimaa, J Öberg, ...
Valtioneuvoston kanslia, 2019
PARAS-hankkeen aikana toteutettujen kuntaliitosten vaikutukset
T Saarimaa, J Tukiainen
Taloustieteellinen yhdistys, 2018
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Articles 1–20