Denis Rosário
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F-lqe: A fuzzy link quality estimator for wireless sensor networks
N Baccour, A Koubâa, H Youssef, M Ben Jamâa, D Do Rosario, M Alves, ...
Wireless Sensor Networks: 7th European Conference, EWSN 2010, Coimbra …, 2010
A routing protocol based on energy and link quality for internet of things applications
K Machado, D Rosário, E Cerqueira, AAF Loureiro, A Neto, JN De Souza
sensors 13 (2), 1942-1964, 2013
Vehicular software-defined networking and fog computing: Integration and design principles
JC Nobre, AM de Souza, D Rosário, C Both, LA Villas, E Cerqueira, ...
Ad Hoc Networks 82, 172-181, 2019
A beaconless opportunistic routing based on a cross-layer approach for efficient video dissemination in mobile multimedia IoT applications
D Rosário, Z Zhao, A Santos, T Braun, E Cerqueira
Computer communications 45, 21-31, 2014
Software-defined unmanned aerial vehicles networking for video dissemination services
Z Zhao, P Cumino, A Souza, D Rosario, T Braun, E Cerqueira, M Gerla
Ad Hoc Networks 83, 68-77, 2019
Drone swarms as networked control systems by integration of networking and computing
G Asaamoning, P Mendes, D Rosário, E Cerqueira
Sensors 21 (8), 2642, 2021
Radiale: A framework for designing and assessing link quality estimators
N Baccour, A Koubâa, M Jamâa, D Rosário, H Youssef, M Alves, L Becker
Ad Hoc Networks 9, 1165-1185, 2011
Service migration from cloud to multi-tier fog nodes for multimedia dissemination with QoE support
D Rosário, M Schimuneck, J Camargo, J Nobre, C Both, J Rochol, ...
Sensors 18 (2), 329, 2018
A survey on long-range wide-area network technology optimizations
FSD Silva, EP Neto, H Oliveira, D Rosário, E Cerqueira, C Both, ...
IEEE Access 9, 106079-106106, 2021
STFANET: SDN-based topology management for flying ad hoc network
TD e Silva, CFE de Melo, P Cumino, D Rosario, E Cerqueira, ...
IEEE Access 7, 173499-173514, 2019
Opportunistic Routing for Multi-flow Video Dissemination over Flying Ad-Hoc Networks
D Rosário, Z Zhao, T Braun, E Cerqueira, A Santos, I Alyafawi
15th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and …, 2014
Toward software-defined battlefield networking
J Nobre, D Rosario, C Both, E Cerqueira, M Gerla
IEEE Communications Magazine 54 (10), 152-157, 2016
An omnet++ framework to evaluate video transmission in mobile wireless multimedia sensor networks
D Rosário, Z Zhao, C Silva, E Cerqueira, T Braun
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on OMNeT++, Cannes, France …, 2013
LoRaWAN gateway placement model for dynamic Internet of Things scenarios
N Matni, J Moraes, H Oliveira, D Rosário, E Cerqueira
Sensors 20 (15), 4336, 2020
Heart of IoT: ECG as biometric sign for authentication and identification
A Barros, D Rosário, P Resque, E Cerqueira
2019 15th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing …, 2019
Efficient data dissemination protocol based on complex networks’ metrics for urban vehicular networks
JB D. da Costa, AM de Souza, D Rosário, E Cerqueira, LA Villas
Journal of Internet Services and Applications 10 (1), 15, 2019
Topology and Link Quality-aware Geographical Opportunistic Routing in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks
Z Zhao, D Rosário, T Braun, E Cerqueira, H Xu, L Huang
The 9th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference …, 2013
Cooperative UAV scheme for enhancing video transmission and global network energy efficiency
P Cumino, W Lobato Junior, T Tavares, H Santos, D Rosário, E Cerqueira, ...
Sensors 18 (12), 4155, 2018
Dynamic microservice allocation for virtual reality distribution with qoe support
D Alencar, C Both, R Antunes, H Oliveira, E Cerqueira, D Rosário
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 19 (1), 729-740, 2021
RELIABLE: Resource allocation mechanism for 5G network using mobile edge computing
RS Pereira, DD Lieira, MAC Silva, AHM Pimenta, JBD da Costa, ...
Sensors 20 (19), 5449, 2020
Il sistema al momento non puň eseguire l'operazione. Riprova piů tardi.
Articoli 1–20