Carla Cesaraccio
Carla Cesaraccio
Researcher, Institute of Biometeorology, IBIMET, CNR, Italy
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Chilling and forcing model to predict bud-burst of crop and forest species
C Cesaraccio, D Spano, RL Snyder, P Duce
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 126 (1-2), 1-13, 2004
Response of plant species richness and primary productivity in shrublands along a north–south gradient in Europe to seven years of experimental warming and drought: reductions …
J Peñuelas, P Prieto, C Beier, C Cesaraccio, P De Angelis, G de Dato, ...
Global Change Biology 13 (12), 2563-2581, 2007
An improved model for determining degree-day values from daily temperature data
C Cesaraccio, D Spano, P Duce, RL Snyder
International journal of biometeorology 45, 161-169, 2001
Determining degree-day thresholds from field observations
RL Snyder, D Spano, C Cesaraccio, P Duce
International Journal of Biometeorology 42, 177-182, 1999
Phenological stages of natural species and their use as climate indicators
D Spano, C Cesaraccio, P Duce, RL Snyder
International Journal of Biometeorology 42, 124-133, 1999
Using CERES-Wheat to simulate durum wheat production and phenology in Southern Sardinia, Italy
M Dettori, C Cesaraccio, A Motroni, D Spano, P Duce
Field crops research 120 (1), 179-188, 2011
Estimation of water stress in grapevines using proximal and remote sensing methods
A Matese, R Baraldi, A Berton, C Cesaraccio, SF Di Gennaro, P Duce, ...
Remote Sensing 10 (1), 114, 2018
Relationships between seasonal patterns of live fuel moisture and meteorological drought indices for Mediterranean shrubland species
G Pellizzaro, C Cesaraccio, P Duce, A Ventura, P Zara
International Journal of Wildland Fire 16 (2), 232-241, 2007
Leaf xeromorphic adaptations of some plants of a coastal Mediterranean macchia ecosystem
A Rotondi, F Rossi, C Asunis, C Cesaraccio
Journal of Mediterranean Ecology 4, 25-36, 2003
Temperature data for phenological models
RL Snyder, D Spano, P Duce, C Cesaraccio
International Journal of Biometeorology 45, 178-183, 2001
Changes in the onset of spring growth in shrubland species in response to experimental warming along a north–south gradient in Europe
P Prieto, J Peñuelas, Ü Niinemets, R Ogaya, IK Schmidt, C Beier, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 18 (4), 473-484, 2009
Simulation of climate change impacts on production and phenology of durum wheat in Mediterranean environments using CERES-Wheat model
M Dettori, C Cesaraccio, P Duce
Field Crops Research 206, 43-53, 2017
Effects of warmer and drier climate conditions on plant composition and biomass production in a Mediterranean shrubland community
G De Dato, G Pellizzaro, C Cesaraccio, C Sirca, P De Angelis, P Duce, ...
iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry 1 (1), 39, 2008
Mediterranean climates
D Spano, RL Snyder, C Cesaraccio
Phenology: an integrative environmental science, 139-156, 2003
Effects of warmer and drier climate conditions on plant composition and biomass production in a Mediterranean shrubland community
GD De Dato, G Pellizzaro, C Cesaraccio, CB Sirca, P De Angelis, P Duce, ...
Forest@ 3 (4), 511-526, 2006
Influence of seasonal weather variations and vegetative cycle on live moisture content and ignitability in Mediterranean maquis species
G Pellizzaro, C Cesaraccio, P Duce, A Ventura, P Zara
Forest Ecology and Management 234, S111-S111, 2006
Calcolo dei gradi-giorno per la previsione delle fasi fenologiche nell’actinidia
G Pellizzaro, D Spano, A Canu, C Cesaraccio
Italus Hortus 3 (5), 24-30, 1996
Mediterranean phenology
D Spano, RL Snyder, C Cesaraccio
Phenology: an integrative environmental science, 173-196, 2013
Improvement of chilling and forcing model to predict bud-burst
C Cesaraccio, D Spano, RL Snyder, P Duce, HG Jones
17th Conference on Biometeorology and Aerobiology, San Diego, 2006
Analysis of phenological behaviour of some Mediterranean shrub species in responses to warming and drought conditions
C Cesaraccio, G Pellizzaro, P Duce, D Spano
16th Biometeorology and Aerobiology Conference, Vancouver, BC, 2004
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20