Ilya Zaihrayeu
Ilya Zaihrayeu
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Cited by
Data management for peer-to-peer computing: A vision
PA Bernstein, F Giunchiglia, A Kementsietsidis, J Mylopoulos, L Serafini, ...
University of Trento, 2002
State of the art on ontology alignment
J Euzenat, T Le Bach, J Barrasa, P Bouquet, J De Bo, R Dieng, M Ehrig, ...
Knowledge Web Deliverable D 2, 2.3, 2004
Lightweight ontologies
F Giunchiglia, I Zaihrayeu
University of Trento, 2007
Concept search
F Giunchiglia, U Kharkevich, I Zaihrayeu
The Semantic Web: Research and Applications: 6th European Semantic Web …, 2009
Making peer databases interact—A vision for an architecture supporting data coordination
F Giunchiglia, I Zaihrayeu
International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents, 18-35, 2002
IWTrust: Improving user trust in answers from the web
I Zaihrayeu, PP Da Silva, DL McGuinness
International Conference on Trust Management, 384-392, 2005
From web directories to ontologies: Natural language processing challenges
I Zaihrayeu, L Sun, F Giunchiglia, W Pan, Q Ju, M Chi, X Huang
International Semantic Web Conference, 623-636, 2007
Encoding classifications into lightweight ontologies
F Giunchiglia, M Marchese, I Zaihrayeu
Journal on data semantics VIII, 57-81, 2007
Queries and updates in the coDB peer to peer database system
E Franconi, G Kuper, A Lopatenko, I Zaihrayeu
University of Trento, 2004
A classification of semantic annotation systems
P Andrews, I Zaihrayeu, J Pane
Semantic Web 3 (3), 223-248, 2012
Encoding classifications into lightweight ontologies
F Giunchiglia, M Marchese, I Zaihrayeu
The Semantic Web: Research and Applications: 3rd European Semantic Web …, 2006
Multi-device activity logging
M Zeni, I Zaihrayeu, F Giunchiglia
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM international joint conference on pervasive and …, 2014
D2. 2.3: State of the art on ontology alignment
J Euzenat, T Le Bach, J Barrasa, P Bouquet, J De Bo, R Dieng, M Ehrig, ...
Knowledge web, 5-12, 2004
A distributed algorithm for robust data sharing and updates in p2p database networks
E Franconi, G Kuper, A Lopatenko, I Zaihrayeu
Current Trends in Database Technology-EDBT 2004 Workshops: EDBT 2004 …, 2005
The coDB robust peer-to-peer database system
E Franconi, G Kuper, A Lopatenko, I Zaihrayeu
Universitą degli Studi di Trento. DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION AND …, 2004
Towards peer-to-peer information management systems
I Zaihrayeu, Universitą degli studi di Trento
Towards a theory of formal classification
F Giunchiglia, M Marchese, I Zaihrayeu
Proceedings of the AAAI-05 Workshop on Contexts and Ontologies: Theory …, 2005
Supporting digital healthcare services using semantic web technologies
G Barisevičius, M Coste, D Geleta, D Juric, M Khodadadi, G Stoilos, ...
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2018: 17th International Semantic Web Conference …, 2018
Formalizing the get-specific document classification algorithm
F Giunchiglia, I Zaihrayeu, U Kharkevich
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 11th European …, 2007
Semantic disambiguation in folksonomy: a case study
P Andrews, J Pane, I Zaihrayeu
Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries Workshop, 114-134, 2009
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Articles 1–20