Marco Viccaro
Marco Viccaro
Università di Catania, Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche Geologiche e Ambientali
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Dynamics of magma supply at Mt. Etna volcano (Southern Italy) as revealed by textural and compositional features of plagioclase phenocrysts
M Viccaro, PP Giacomoni, C Ferlito, R Cristofolini
Lithos 116 (1-2), 77-91, 2010
Compositionally zoned crystals and real-time degassing data reveal changes in magma transfer dynamics during the 2006 summit eruptive episodes of Mt. Etna
M Kahl, S Chakraborty, F Costa, M Pompilio, M Liuzzo, M Viccaro
Bulletin of Volcanology 75, 1-14, 2013
The 100–133 ka record of Italian explosive volcanism and revised tephrochronology of Lago Grande di Monticchio
S Wulf, J Keller, M Paterne, J Mingram, S Lauterbach, S Opitz, G Sottili, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 58, 104-123, 2012
Nature of mantle heterogeneity and its role in the short-term geochemical and volcanological evolution of Mt. Etna (Italy)
M Viccaro, R Cristofolini
Lithos 105 (3-4), 272-288, 2008
Magma mixing during the 2001 event at Mount Etna (Italy): effects on the eruptive dynamics
M Viccaro, C Ferlito, L Cortesogno, R Cristofolini, L Gaggero
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 149 (1-2), 139-159, 2006
Volatile-induced magma differentiation in the plumbing system of Mt. Etna volcano (Italy): evidence from glass in tephra of the 2001 eruption
C Ferlito, M Viccaro, R Cristofolini
Bulletin of Volcanology 70, 455-473, 2008
Three years (2011–2013) of eruptive activity at Mt. Etna: Working modes and timescales of the modern volcano plumbing system from micro-analytical studies of crystals
M Giuffrida, M Viccaro
Earth-Science Reviews 171, 289-322, 2017
A branched magma feeder system during the 1669 eruption of Mt Etna: evidence from a time-integrated study of zoned olivine phenocryst populations
M Kahl, M Viccaro, T Ubide, DJ Morgan, DB Dingwell
Journal of Petrology 58 (3), 443-472, 2017
Magma storage, ascent and recharge history prior to the 1991 eruption at Avachinsky Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia: Inferences on the plumbing system geometry
M Viccaro, M Giuffrida, E Nicotra, AY Ozerov
Lithos 140, 11-24, 2012
Space‐time evolution of magma storage and transfer at Mt. Etna Volcano (Italy): the 2015–2016 Reawakening of Voragine Crater
A Cannata, G Di Grazia, M Giuffrida, S Gresta, M Palano, M Sciotto, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 19 (2), 471-495, 2018
Continuous magma recharge at Mt. Etna during the 2011–2013 period controls the style of volcanic activity and compositions of erupted lavas
M Viccaro, R Calcagno, I Garozzo, M Giuffrida, E Nicotra
Mineralogy and Petrology 109, 67-83, 2015
Gas burst vs. gas-rich magma recharge: a multidisciplinary study to reveal factors controlling triggering of the recent paroxysmal eruptions at Mt. Etna
M Viccaro, I Garozzo, A Cannata, G Di Grazia, S Gresta
Journal of volcanology and geothermal research 278, 1-13, 2014
Regimes of magma recharge and their control on the eruptive behaviour during the period 2001–2005 at Mt. Etna volcano
C Ferlito, M Viccaro, E Nicotra, R Cristofolini
Bulletin of volcanology 74, 533-543, 2012
A volcanic inclusions based approach for provenance studies of archaeological ceramics: application to pottery from southern Italy
G Barone, CM Belfiore, P Mazzoleni, A Pezzino, M Viccaro
Journal of Archaeological Science 37 (4), 713-726, 2010
Crystal residence times from trace element zoning in plagioclase reveal changes in magma transfer dynamics at Mt. Etna during the last 400 years
M Viccaro, D Barca, WA Bohrson, C D'Oriano, M Giuffrida, E Nicotra, ...
Lithos 248, 309-323, 2016
Unusual magma storage conditions at Mt. Etna (Southern Italy) as evidenced by plagioclase megacryst-bearing lavas: implications for the plumbing system geometry and summit …
E Nicotra, M Viccaro
Bulletin of Volcanology 74, 795-815, 2012
The magma source at Mount Etna volcano: perspectives from the Hf isotope composition of historic and recent lavas
M Viccaro, E Nicotra, IL Millar, R Cristofolini
Chemical Geology 281 (3-4), 343-351, 2011
Metasomatic events recorded in ultramafic xenoliths from the Hyblean area (Southeastern Sicily, Italy)
V Scribano, M Viccaro, R Cristofolini, L Ottolini
Mineralogy and Petrology 95, 235-250, 2009
Shallow conduit dynamics fuel the unexpected paroxysms of Stromboli volcano during the summer 2019
M Viccaro, A Cannata, F Cannavò, R De Rosa, M Giuffrida, E Nicotra, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 266, 2021
How a complex basaltic volcanic system works: Constraints from integrating seismic, geodetic, and petrological data at Mount Etna volcano during the July–August 2014 eruption
M Viccaro, F Zuccarello, A Cannata, M Palano, S Gresta
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121 (8), 5659-5678, 2016
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20