David Angulo-Garcia
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Hippocampal hub neurons maintain distinct connectivity throughout their lifetime
M Bocchio, C Gouny, D Angulo-Garcia, T Toulat, T Tressard, E Quiroli, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 4559, 2020
Cross frequency coupling in next generation inhibitory neural mass models
A Ceni, S Olmi, A Torcini, D Angulo-Garcia
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 30 (5), 2020
Internal representation of hippocampal neuronal population spans a time-distance continuum
C Haimerl, D Angulo-Garcia, V Villette, S Reichinnek, A Torcini, R Cossart, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (15), 7477-7482, 2019
Cell Assembly Dynamics of Sparsely-Connected Inhibitory Networks: A Simple Model for the Collective Activity of Striatal Projection Neurons
D Angulo-Garcia, JD Berke, A Torcini
PLoS Computational Biology 12 (2), 2016
Death and rebirth of neural activity in sparse inhibitory networks
D Angulo-Garcia, S Luccioli, S Olmi, A Torcini
New Journal of Physics 19 (5), 053011, 2017
Structural stability of the two-fold singularity
S Fernandez-Garcia, DA García, GO Tost, M Di Bernardo, MR Jeffrey
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 11 (4), 1215-1230, 2012
Cell assemblies in the cortico-hippocampal-reuniens network during slow oscillations
D Angulo-Garcia, M Ferraris, A Ghestem, L Nallet-Khosrofian, C Bernard, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 40 (43), 8343-8354, 2020
Population spiking and bursting in next-generation neural masses with spike-frequency adaptation
A Ferrara, D Angulo-Garcia, A Torcini, S Olmi
Physical Review E 107 (2), 024311, 2023
Control of a dc-dc buck converter through contraction techniques
D Angulo-Garcia, F Angulo, G Osorio, G Olivar
Energies 11 (11), 3086, 2018
Prominent in vivo influence of single interneurons in the developing barrel cortex
Y Bollmann, L Modol, T Tressard, A Vorobyev, R Dard, S Brustlein, ...
Nature Neuroscience 26 (9), 1555-1565, 2023
Exact firing time statistics of neurons driven by discrete inhibitory noise
S Olmi, D Angulo-Garcia, A Imparato, A Torcini
Scientific reports 7 (1), 1577, 2017
Stable chaos in fluctuation driven neural circuits
D Angulo-Garcia, A Torcini
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 69, 233-245, 2014
Understanding traffic congestion via network analysis, agent modeling, and the trajectory of urban expansion: a coastal city case
J Amézquita-López, J Valdés-Atencio, D Angulo-García
Infrastructures 6 (6), 85, 2021
Modeling driver cells in developing neuronal networks
S Luccioli, D Angulo-Garcia, R Cossart, A Malvache, L Módol, VH Sousa, ...
PLoS Computational Biology 14 (11), e1006551, 2018
Neural activity of heterogeneous inhibitory spiking networks with delay
S Luccioli, D Angulo-Garcia, A Torcini
Physical Review E 99 (5), 052412, 2019
DC-DC zeta power converter: Ramp compensation control design and stability analysis
D Angulo-García, F Angulo, JG Muñoz
Applied Sciences 11 (13), 5946, 2021
Designing a hysteresis band in a boost flyback converter
JG Muñoz, F Angulo, D Angulo-Garcia
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 147, 107080, 2021
Decreased resilience in power grids under dynamically induced vulnerabilities
CC Galindo-González, D Angulo-García, G Osorio
New Journal of Physics 22 (10), 103033, 2020
Dynamics and forecast in a simple model of sustainable development for rural populations
D Angulo, F Angulo, G Olivar
Bulletin of mathematical biology 77, 368-389, 2015
Stochastic mean-field formulation of the dynamics of diluted neural networks
D Angulo-Garcia, A Torcini
Physical Review E 91, 022928, 2015
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20