Pierfranco Lattanzi
Pierfranco Lattanzi
CNR, IGG, UOS Firenze
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Mine waste dumps and heavy metal pollution in abandoned mining district of Boccheggiano (Southern Tuscany, Italy)
M Benvenuti, I Mascaro, F Corsini, P Lattanzi, P Parrini, G Tanelli
Environmental Geology 30, 238-243, 1997
Enargite oxidation: A review
P Lattanzi, S Da Pelo, E Musu, D Atzei, B Elsener, M Fantauzzi, A Rossi
Earth-Science Reviews 86 (1-4), 62-88, 2008
Concentration, distribution, and translocation of mercury and methylmercury in mine-waste, sediment, soil, water, and fish collected near the Abbadia San Salvatore mercury mine …
V Rimondi, JE Gray, P Costagliola, O Vaselli, P Lattanzi
Science of the total environment 414, 318-327, 2012
XPS and XAES analysis of copper, arsenic and sulfur chemical state in enargites
M Fantauzzi, D Atzei, B Elsener, P Lattanzi, A Rossi
Surface and Interface Analysis: An International Journal devoted to the …, 2006
Environmental mineralogy and geochemistry of the abandoned Pb-Zn Montevecchio-Ingurtosu mining district, Sardinia, Italy
R Caboi, R Cidu, L Fanfani, P Lattanzi, P Zuddas
Chronique de la rechérche miniére 534, 21-28, 1999
Arsenic incorporation in natural calcite lattice: Evidence from electron spin echo spectroscopy
F Di Benedetto, P Costagliola, M Benvenuti, P Lattanzi, M Romanelli, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 246 (3-4), 458-465, 2006
Arsenic uptake by natural calcite: An XAS study
F Bardelli, M Benvenuti, P Costagliola, F Di Benedetto, P Lattanzi, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75 (11), 3011-3023, 2011
Sericitic alteration at the La Crocetta deposit (Elba Island, Italy): interplay between magmatism, tectonics and hydrothermal activity
C Maineri, M Benvenuti, P Costagliola, A Dini, P Lattanzi, G Ruggieri, ...
Mineralium Deposita 38, 67-86, 2003
The Campi Flegrei (Italy) geothermal system: a fluid inclusion study of the Mofete and San Vito fields
B de Vivo, HE Belkin, M Barbieri, W Chelini, P Lattanzi, A Lima, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 36 (4), 303-326, 1989
Black pine (Pinus nigra) barks as biomonitors of airborne mercury pollution
L Chiarantini, V Rimondi, M Benvenuti, MW Beutel, P Costagliola, ...
Science of the Total Environment 569, 105-113, 2016
Mine wastes at the polymetallic deposit of Fenice Capanne (southern Tuscany, Italy). Mineralogy, geochemistry, and environmental impact
I Mascaro, M Benvenuti, F Corsini, P Costagliola, P Lattanzi, P Parrini, ...
Environmental Geology 41 (3), 417-429, 2001
An overview on recent research on the metallogeny of Tuscany, with special reference to the Apuane Alps
P Lattanzi, M Benvenuti, P Costagliola, G Tanelli
Geology, mineralogy, and fluid inclusion data of the Furtei high-sulfidation gold deposit, Sardinia, Italy
G Ruggieri, P Lattanzi, SS Luxoro, R Dessi, M Benvenuti, G Tanelli
Economic Geology 92 (1), 1-19, 1997
The iron mineral deposits of Elba Island: state of the art
G Tanelli, M Benvenuti, P Costagliola, A Dini, P Lattanzi, C Maineri, ...
Ofioliti 26 (2a), 239-248, 2001
Spectroscopic study of a Ni-bearing gahnite pigment
G Lorenzi, G Baldi, F Di Benedetto, V Faso, P Lattanzi, M Romanelli
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 26 (3), 317-321, 2006
Release of toxic elements from rocks and mine wastes at the Furtei gold mine (Sardinia, Italy)
S Da Pelo, E Musu, R Cidu, F Frau, P Lattanzi
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 100 (2-3), 142-152, 2009
Behavior of 13 C and 18 O in carbonates during contact metamorphism at Marysville, Montana: implications for isotope systematics in impure dolomitic limestones
P Lattanzi, DM Rye, JM Rice
American Journal of Science 280, 890-906, 1980
Arsenic-bearing calcite in natural travertines: evidence from sequential extraction, μXAS, and μXRF
P Costagliola, F Bardelli, M Benvenuti, F Di Benedetto, P Lattanzi, ...
Environmental science & technology 47 (12), 6231-6238, 2013
The role of natural biogeochemical barriers in limiting metal loading to a stream affected by mine drainage
G De Giudici, C Pusceddu, D Medas, C Meneghini, A Gianoncelli, ...
Applied Geochemistry 76, 124-135, 2017
Mechanisms of galena dissolution in oxygen-saturated solutions: Evaluation of pH effect on apparent activation energies and mineral-water interface
G De Giudici, A Rossi, L Fanfani, P Lattanzi
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 69 (9), 2321-2331, 2005
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Articoli 1–20