Lyndal Bugeja
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The association between mental disorders and suicide: a systematic review and meta-analysis of record linkage studies
L San Too, MJ Spittal, L Bugeja, L Reifels, P Butterworth, J Pirkis
Journal of affective disorders 259, 302-313, 2019
Domestic/family violence death reviews: An international comparison
L Bugeja, M Dawson, SJ McIntyre, C Walsh
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 16 (2), 179-187, 2015
Resident-to-resident physical aggression leading to injury in nursing homes: a systematic review
N Ferrah, BJ Murphy, JE Ibrahim, LC Bugeja, M Winbolt, D LoGiudice, ...
Age and ageing 44 (3), 356-364, 2015
Premature deaths of nursing home residents: an epidemiological analysis
JE Ibrahim, L Bugeja, M Willoughby, M Bevan, C Kipsaina, C Young, ...
Medical Journal of Australia 206 (10), 442-447, 2017
The association between exposure to interpersonal violence and suicide among women: a systematic review
MB MacIsaac, LC Bugeja, GA Jelinek
Australian and New Zealand journal of public health 41 (1), 61-69, 2017
Mortality in nursing homes following emergency evacuation: a systematic review
M Willoughby, C Kipsaina, N Ferrah, S Blau, L Bugeja, D Ranson, ...
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 18 (8), 664-670, 2017
An analysis of stratagems to reduce drowning deaths of young children in private swimming pools and spas in Victoria, Australia
L Bugeja, RC Franklin
International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion 20 (3), 282-294, 2013
The nature and extent of physical restraint–related deaths in nursing homes: a systematic review
EN Bellenger, JE Ibrahim, JJ Lovell, L Bugeja
Journal of aging and health 30 (7), 1042-1061, 2018
Drowning deaths of zero‐to five‐year‐old children in Victorian dams, 1989–2001
L Bugeja, R Franklin
Australian Journal of Rural Health 13 (5), 300-308, 2005
Do mindfulness interventions improve road safety? A systematic review
S Koppel, L Bugeja, P Hua, R Osborne, AN Stephens, KL Young, ...
Accident Analysis & Prevention 123, 88-98, 2019
Physical restraint deaths in a 13-year national cohort of nursing home residents
E Bellenger, JE Ibrahim, L Bugeja, B Kennedy
Age and Ageing 46 (4), 688-693, 2017
What is the effect of exercise on wound healing in patients with venous leg ulcers? A systematic review
D Smith, R Lane, R McGinnes, J O'Brien, R Johnston, L Bugeja, V Team, ...
International wound journal 15 (3), 441-453, 2018
Completed suicide among nursing home residents: a systematic review
BJ Murphy, L Bugeja, J Pilgrim, JE Ibrahim
International journal of geriatric psychiatry 30 (8), 802-814, 2015
Effectiveness of the 2005 compulsory personal flotation device (PFD) wearing regulations in reducing drowning deaths among recreational boaters in Victoria, Australia
L Bugeja, E Cassell, LR Brodie, SJ Walter
Injury prevention 20 (6), 387-392, 2014
Nature and extent of external‐cause deaths of nursing home residents in Victoria, Australia
JE Ibrahim, BJ Murphy, L Bugeja, D Ranson
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 63 (5), 954-962, 2015
The implementation of domestic violence death reviews in Australia
L Bugeja, A Butler, E Buxton, H Ehrat, M Hayes, SJ McIntyre, C Walsh
Homicide Studies 17 (4), 353-374, 2013
Suicide among nursing home residents in Australia: a national population‐based retrospective analysis of medico‐legal death investigation information
BJ Murphy, LC Bugeja, JL Pilgrim, JE Ibrahim
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 33 (5), 786-796, 2018
Implementation and evaluation of the Victorian Suicide Register
G Sutherland, A Milner, J Dwyer, L Bugeja, A Woodward, J Robinson, ...
Australian and New Zealand journal of public health 42 (3), 296-302, 2018
A systematic review on the relationship between childhood exposure to external cause parental death, including suicide, on subsequent suicidal behaviour
P Hua, L Bugeja, M Maple
Journal of affective disorders 257, 723-734, 2019
The utility of medico-legal databases for public health research: a systematic review of peer-reviewed publications using the National Coronial Information System
L Bugeja, JE Ibrahim, N Ferrah, B Murphy, M Willoughby, D Ranson
Health research policy and systems 14, 1-10, 2016
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20