Paul Gregg
Paul Gregg
Professor of Economic and Social Policy, University of Bath
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Cited by
The wage scar from male youth unemployment
P Gregg, E Tominey
Labour Economics 12 (4), 487-509, 2005
Accounting for intergenerational income persistence: noncognitive skills, ability and education
J Blanden, P Gregg, L Macmillan
The Economic Journal 117 (519), C43-C60, 2007
Family income and educational attainment: a review of approaches and evidence for Britain
J Blanden, P Gregg
Oxford review of economic policy 20 (2), 245-263, 2004
Intergenerational mobility in europe and north america
J Blanden, P Gregg, S Machin
Report supported by the Sutton Trust, Centre for Economic Performance …, 2005
The impact of youth unemployment on adult unemployment in the NCDS
P Gregg
The economic journal 111 (475), 626-653, 2001
Unemployment scarring
W Arulampalam, P Gregg, M Gregory
The Economic Journal 111 (475), F577-F584, 2001
Changes in intergenerational mobility in Britain
J Blanden, A Goodman, P Gregg, S Machin
Centre for Economic Performance, 2001
Poorer children's educational attainment: How important are attitudes and behaviour?
A Goodman, P Gregg, H Chowdry
Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2010
The disappearing relationship between directors' pay and corporate performance
P Gregg, S Machin, S Szymanski
British Journal of Industrial Relations 31 (1), 1-9, 1993
The effects of a mother’s return to work decision on child development in the UK
P Gregg, E Washbrook, C Propper, S Burgess
The Economic Journal 115 (501), F48-F80, 2005
Evaluating the impact of performance-related pay for teachers in England
A Atkinson, S Burgess, B Croxson, P Gregg, C Propper, H Slater, ...
Labour Economics 16 (3), 251-261, 2009
Taking care of business: Executive compensation in the United Kingdom
M Conyon, P Gregg, S Machin
The Economic Journal 105 (430), 704-714, 1995
A short history of labour turnover, job tenure, and job security, 1975–93
P Gregg, J Wadsworth
Oxford review of economic policy 11 (1), 73-90, 1995
How important is pro-social behaviour in the delivery of public services?
P Gregg, PA Grout, A Ratcliffe, S Smith, F Windmeijer
Journal of public economics 95 (7-8), 758-766, 2011
More work in fewer households?
P Gregg, J Wadsworth
National Institute of Economic and Social Research, 1994
How effective are state employment agencies? Jobcentre use and job matching in Britain
P Gregg, J Wadsworth
Oxford bulletin of Economics and Statistics 58 (3), 443-467, 1996
Coping with recession: UK company performance in adversity
PA Geroski, P Gregg
Cambridge University Press, 1997
Early, late or never? When does parental education impact child outcomes?
M Dickson, P Gregg, H Robinson
The Economic Journal 126 (596), F184-F231, 2016
Higher education, career opportunities, and intergenerational inequality
C Crawford, P Gregg, L Macmillan, A Vignoles, G Wyness
Oxford Review of Economic Policy 32 (4), 553-575, 2016
Welfare reform and lone parents in the UK
P Gregg, S Harkness, S Smith
The economic journal 119 (535), F38-F65, 2009
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Articles 1–20