Raffaele Danna
Raffaele Danna
PhD in History, University of Cambridge. Max Weber Fellow, European University Institute
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Figuring Out: The Spread of Hindu-Arabic Numerals in the European Tradition of Practical Mathematics (13th–16th Centuries)
R Danna
Nuncius 36 (1), 5-48, 2021
Una scienza per la rinascita. Note su Paolo dell’Abaco e la matematica abacistica fiorentina / A Science for the Renaissance. Notes on Paolo dell’Abaco and on Florentine Abacus …
R Danna
RINASCIMENTO 59, 245-269, 2019
Elaboration and diffusion of useful knowledge in the long run: The case of European practical arithmetic (13th-16th centuries)
R Danna
Rivista di storia economica 38 (1), 57-84, 2022
A numerical revolution: The diffusion of practical mathematics and the growth of pre-modern European economies
R Danna, M Iori, A Mina
Available at SSRN 4143442, 2022
Anachronisms in the History of Mathematics: Essays on the Historical Interpretation of Mathematical Texts, by Niccolò Guicciardini
R Danna
Nuncius 37 (3), 721-723, 2022
The Spread of Hindu-Arabic Numerals in the European Tradition of Practical Arithmetic: a Socio-Economic Perspective (13th–16th centuries)
R Danna
Chapter The spread of Hindu-Arabic numerals among practitioners in Italy and England (13th-16th c.): two moments of a European innovation cycle?
R Danna
L’economia della conoscenza: innovazione, produttività e crescita economica …, 2023
La crisi in tre atti (e in tre libri)
R Danna
il Mulino 69 (2), 323-328, 2020
William Deringer, Calculated values: finance, politics, and the quantitative age (Cambridge, Mass., and London: Harvard University Press, 2018. pp. xxiv+ 413. 30 figs. ISBN …
R Danna
The Economic History Review 72 (1), 411-412, 2019
Leonardo Fibonacci
R Danna
Nuova informazione bibliografica 13 (3), 471-497, 2016
L'ombra del beato regno: presenze umbratili nel Purgatorio di Dante
R Danna
Dianoia: annali di storia della filosofia: 19, 2014, 61-90, 2014
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–11