Alex Shaw
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Children discard a resource to avoid inequity.
A Shaw, KR Olson
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 141 (2), 382, 2012
Young children are more generous when others are aware of their actions
KL Leimgruber, A Shaw, LR Santos, KR Olson
PloS one 7 (10), e48292, 2012
Children Develop a Veil of Fairness.
A Shaw, N Montinari, M Piovesan, KR Olson, F Gino, MI Norton
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2014
Fairness as partiality aversion: The development of procedural justice
A Shaw, K Olson
Journal of experimental child psychology 119, 40-53, 2014
Fairness versus favoritism in children
A Shaw, P DeScioli, KR Olson
Evolution and Human Behavior 33 (6), 736-745, 2012
Equity or equality? Moral judgments follow the money
P DeScioli, M Massenkoff, A Shaw, MB Petersen, R Kurzban
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281 (1797), 20142112, 2014
Children apply principles of physical ownership to ideas
A Shaw, V Li, KR Olson
Cognitive science 36 (8), 1383-1403, 2012
Beyond “to share or not to share” The impartiality account of fairness
A Shaw
Current Directions in Psychological Science 22 (5), 413-417, 2013
‘No fair, copycat!’: what children’s response to plagiarism tells us about their understanding of ideas
KR Olson, A Shaw
Developmental Science 14 (2), 431-439, 2011
Pint-sized public relations: The development of reputation management
IM Silver, A Shaw
Trends in cognitive sciences 22 (4), 277-279, 2018
The development of inequity aversion: Understanding when (and why) people give others the bigger piece of the pie
A Shaw, S Choshen-Hillel, EM Caruso
Psychological Science 27 (10), 1352-1359, 2016
The friendly taking effect: how interpersonal closeness leads to seemingly selfish yet jointly maximizing choice
Y Tu, A Shaw, A Fishbach
Journal of Consumer Research 42 (5), 669-687, 2016
All inequality is not equal: children correct inequalities using resource value
A Shaw, KR Olson
Frontiers in psychology 4, 393, 2013
Not by strength alone: Children’s conflict expectations follow the logic of the asymmetric war of attrition
D Pietraszewski, A Shaw
Human Nature 26 (1), 44-72, 2015
When and why people evaluate negative reciprocity as more fair than positive reciprocity
A Shaw, A Barakzai, B Keysar
Cognitive Science 43 (8), e12773, 2019
Children use partial resource sharing as a cue to friendship
Z Liberman, A Shaw
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 159, 96-109, 2017
Waste management: How reducing partiality can promote efficient resource allocation.
S Choshen-Hillel, A Shaw, EM Caruso
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 109 (2), 210, 2015
Intuitive jurisprudence: Early reasoning about the functions of punishment
J Bregant, A Shaw, KD Kinzler
Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 13 (4), 693-717, 2016
Whose idea is it anyway? The importance of reputation in acknowledgement
A Shaw, K Olson
Developmental Science 18 (3), 502-509, 2015
Children use similarity, propinquity, and loyalty to predict which people are friends
Z Liberman, A Shaw
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 184, 1-17, 2019
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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