Kostas Margellos
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Cited by
On the road between robust optimization and the scenario approach for chance constrained optimization problems
K Margellos, P Goulart, J Lygeros
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 59 (8), 2258-2263, 2014
Hamilton–Jacobi formulation for reach–avoid differential games
K Margellos, J Lygeros
IEEE Transactions on automatic control 56 (8), 1849-1861, 2011
A Probabilistic Framework for Reserve Scheduling and Security Assessment of Systems With High Wind Power Penetration
M Vrakopoulou, K Margellos, J Lygeros, G Andersson
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28 (4), 3885-3896, 2013
Dual decomposition for multi-agent distributed optimization with coupling constraints
A Falsone, K Margellos, S Garatti, M Prandini
Automatica 84, 149-158, 2017
Cyber attack in a two-area power system: Impact identification using reachability
PM Esfahani, M Vrakopoulou, K Margellos, J Lygeros, G Andersson
Proceedings of the 2010 American control conference, 962-967, 2010
Probabilistic security-constrained AC optimal power flow
M Vrakopoulou, M Katsampani, K Margellos, J Lygeros, G Andersson
2013 IEEE grenoble conference, 1-6, 2013
Probabilistic guarantees for the N-1 security of systems with wind power generation
M Vrakopoulou, K Margellos, J Lygeros, G Andersson
Reliability and risk evaluation of wind integrated power systems, 59-73, 2013
Distributed constrained optimization and consensus in uncertain networks via proximal minimization
K Margellos, A Falsone, S Garatti, M Prandini
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 63 (5), 1372-1387, 2017
A Scenario Approach for Non-Convex Control Design
S Grammatico, X Zhang, K Margellos, P Goulart, J Lygeros
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 61 (2), 334 - 345, 2016
A robust policy for automatic generation control cyber attack in two area power network
PM Esfahani, M Vrakopoulou, K Margellos, J Lygeros, G Andersson
49th IEEE conference on decision and control (CDC), 5973-5978, 2010
Toward 4-D trajectory management in air traffic control: a study based on monte carlo simulation and reachability analysis
K Margellos, J Lygeros
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 21 (5), 1820-1833, 2012
Stochastic model predictive control using a combination of randomized and robust optimization
X Zhang, K Margellos, P Goulart, J Lygeros
52nd IEEE conference on decision and control, 7740-7745, 2013
On the connection between compression learning and scenario based single-stage and cascading optimization problems
K Margellos, M Prandini, J Lygeros
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 60 (10), 2716-2721, 2015
Capacity controlled demand side management: A stochastic pricing analysis
K Margellos, S Oren
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31 (1), 706-717, 2015
A decentralized approach to multi-agent MILPs: finite-time feasibility and performance guarantees
A Falsone, K Margellos, M Prandini
Automatica 103, 141-150, 2019
Cyber-attacks in the automatic generation control
M Vrakopoulou, PM Esfahani, K Margellos, J Lygeros, G Andersson
Cyber Physical Systems Approach to Smart Electric Power Grid, 303-328, 2015
A probabilistic framework for security constrained reserve scheduling of networks with wind power generation
M Vrakopoulou, K Margellos, J Lygeros, G Andersson
2012 IEEE International Energy Conference and Exhibition (ENERGYCON), 452-457, 2012
Nonlinear control of wind turbines: An approach based on switched linear systems and feedback linearization
R Burkart, K Margellos, J Lygeros
2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control …, 2011
Stochastic unit commitment and reserve scheduling: A tractable formulation with probabilistic certificates
K Margellos, V Rostampour, M Vrakopoulou, M Prandini, G Andersson, ...
2013 European Control Conference (ECC), 2513-2518, 2013
Safety verification and controller synthesis for systems with input constraints
H Wang, K Margellos, A Papachristodoulou
IFAC-PapersOnLine 56 (2), 1698-1703, 2023
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Articles 1–20