Daniele Sampietro
Daniele Sampietro
GReD s.r.l.
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GECO: a global gravity model by locally combining GOCE data and EGM2008
M Gilardoni, M Reguzzoni, D Sampietro
Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica 60, 228-247, 2016
GEMMA: An Earth crustal model based on GOCE satellite data
M Reguzzoni, D Sampietro
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 35, 31-43, 2015
Precise GNSS positioning using smart devices
E Realini, S Caldera, L Pertusini, D Sampietro
Sensors 17 (10), 2434, 2017
Global Moho from the combination of the CRUST2. 0 model and GOCE data
M Reguzzoni, D Sampietro, F Sansò
Geophysical Journal International 195 (1), 222-237, 2013
Accuracy of flight altitude measured with low-cost GNSS, radar and barometer sensors: Implications for airborne radiometric surveys
M Albéri, M Baldoncini, C Bottardi, E Chiarelli, G Fiorentini, KGC Raptis, ...
Sensors 17 (8), 1889, 2017
The GOCE estimated Moho beneath the Tibetan plateau and Himalaya
D Sampietro, M Reguzzoni, C Braitenberg
Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet: Proceedings of the IAG …, 2014
Moho estimation using GOCE data: a numerical simulation
M Reguzzoni, D Sampietro
Geodesy for Planet Earth: Proceedings of the 2009 IAG Symposium, Buenos …, 2012
Uniqueness theorems for inverse gravimetric problems
D Sampietro, F Sanso
VII Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy: Proceedings of the …, 2012
Gravity for detecting caves: airborne and terrestrial simulations based on a comprehensive karstic cave benchmark
C Braitenberg, D Sampietro, T Pivetta, D Zuliani, A Barbagallo, P Fabris, ...
Pure and Applied Geophysics 173, 1243-1264, 2016
Space-Wise approach for airborne gravity data modelling
D Sampietro, M Capponi, AH Mansi, A Gatti, P Marchetti, F Sansò
Journal of geodesy 91, 535-545, 2017
GOCE exploitation for Moho modeling and applications
D Sampietro
Proceedings of the 4th international GOCE user workshop 31, 2011
GTE: a new software for gravitational terrain effect computation: theory and performances
D Sampietro, M Capponi, D Triglione, AH Mansi, P Marchetti, F Sansò
Pure and Applied Geophysics 173, 2435-2453, 2016
Global to local Moho estimate based on GOCE geopotential model and local gravity data
R Barzaghi, M Reguzzoni, A Borghi, C De Gaetani, D Sampietro, ...
VIII Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy: Proceedings of the …, 2016
Downward continuation of airborne gravity data by means of the change of boundary approach
AH Mansi, M Capponi, D Sampietro
Pure and Applied Geophysics 175, 977-988, 2018
The GEMMA crustal model: first validation and data distribution
D Sampietro, M Reguzzoni, M Negretti
ESA SP 722, 2013
GIGJ: A crustal gravity model of the Guangdong Province for predicting the geoneutrino signal at the JUNO experiment
M Reguzzoni, L Rossi, M Baldoncini, I Callegari, P Poli, D Sampietro, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124 (4), 4231-4249, 2019
Crustal modelling and Moho estimation with GOCE gravity data
D Sampietro
Remote Sensing Advances for Earth System Science: The ESA Changing Earth …, 2016
Uncovering a masterpiece of Roman engineering: The project of Via Appia between Colle Pardo and Terracina
G Magli, E Realini, M Reguzzoni, D Sampietro
Journal of cultural heritage 15 (6), 665-669, 2014
Moho Depth and Crustal Architecture Beneath the Levant Basin from Global Gravity Field Model
D Sampietro, AH Mansi, C M
Geosciences 8 (6), 2018
Practical tips for 3D regional gravity inversion
D Sampietro, M Capponi
Geosciences 9 (8), 351, 2019
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Articles 1–20