Eric Jouvent
Eric Jouvent
Professor of Neurology, Lariboisière Hospital, AP-HP, Université de Paris Cité and INSERM UMR1141
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A novel imaging marker for small vessel disease based on skeletonization of white matter tracts and diffusion histograms
E Baykara, B Gesierich, R Adam, AM Tuladhar, JM Biesbroek, HL Koek, ...
Annals of neurology 80 (4), 581-592, 2016
Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) as a model of small vessel disease: update on clinical, diagnostic, and …
I Di Donato, S Bianchi, N De Stefano, M Dichgans, MT Dotti, M Duering, ...
BMC medicine 15, 1-12, 2017
Neuroimaging standards for research into small vessel disease—advances since 2013
M Duering, GJ Biessels, A Brodtmann, C Chen, C Cordonnier, ...
The Lancet Neurology 22 (7), 602-618, 2023
Incident subcortical infarcts induce focal thinning in connected cortical regions
M Duering, R Righart, E Csanadi, E Jouvent, D Hervé, H Chabriat, ...
Neurology 79 (20), 2025-2028, 2012
Strategic role of frontal white matter tracts in vascular cognitive impairment: a voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping study in CADASIL
M Duering, N Zieren, D Hervé, E Jouvent, S Reyes, N Peters, C Pachai, ...
Brain 134 (8), 2366-2375, 2011
Incident lacunes preferentially localize to the edge of white matter hyperintensities: insights into the pathophysiology of cerebral small vessel disease
M Duering, E Csanadi, B Gesierich, E Jouvent, D Herve, S Seiler, ...
Brain 136 (9), 2717-2726, 2013
Cerebral microbleeds and stroke risk after ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack: a pooled analysis of individual patient data from cohort studies
D Wilson, G Ambler, KJ Lee, JS Lim, M Shiozawa, M Koga, L Li, ...
The Lancet Neurology 18 (7), 653-665, 2019
Apathy: a major symptom in CADASIL
S Reyes, A Viswanathan, O Godin, C Dufouil, S Benisty, K Hernandez, ...
Neurology 72 (10), 905-910, 2009
R2* mapping for brain iron: associations with cognition in normal aging
C Ghadery, L Pirpamer, E Hofer, C Langkammer, K Petrovic, M Loitfelder, ...
Neurobiology of Aging 36 (2), 925-932, 2015
Impact of MRI markers in subcortical vascular dementia: a multi-modal analysis in CADASIL
A Viswanathan, O Godin, E Jouvent, M O’Sullivan, A Gschwendtner, ...
Neurobiology of aging 31 (9), 1629-1636, 2010
The effect of NOTCH3 pathogenic variant position on CADASIL disease severity: NOTCH3 EGFr 1–6 pathogenic variant are associated with a more severe …
JW Rutten, BJ Van Eijsden, M Duering, E Jouvent, C Opherk, L Pantoni, ...
Genetics in Medicine 21 (3), 676-682, 2019
In-vivo measurement of cortical morphology: means and meanings
JF Mangin, E Jouvent, A Cachia
Current opinion in neurology 23 (4), 359-367, 2010
Strategic white matter tracts for processing speed deficits in age-related small vessel disease
M Duering, B Gesierich, S Seiler, L Pirpamer, M Gonik, E Hofer, E Jouvent, ...
Neurology 82 (22), 1946-1950, 2014
Prefrontal cortex dysfunction in patients with suicidal behavior
A Raust, F Slama, F Mathieu, I Roy, A Chenu, D Koncke, D Fouques, ...
Psychological medicine 37 (3), 411-419, 2007
Free water determines diffusion alterations and clinical status in cerebral small vessel disease
M Duering, S Finsterwalder, E Baykara, AM Tuladhar, B Gesierich, ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia 14 (6), 764-774, 2018
Brain atrophy is related to lacunar lesions and tissue microstructural changes in CADASIL
E Jouvent, A Viswanathan, JF Mangin, M O’Sullivan, JP Guichard, ...
Stroke 38 (6), 1786-1790, 2007
Reproducibility and variability of quantitative magnetic resonance imaging markers in cerebral small vessel disease
F De Guio, E Jouvent, GJ Biessels, SE Black, C Brayne, C Chen, ...
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 36 (8), 1319-1337, 2016
Prevalence and characteristics of migraine in CADASIL
S Guey, J Mawet, D Hervé, M Duering, O Godin, E Jouvent, C Opherk, ...
Cephalalgia 36 (11), 1038-1047, 2016
Predictors of clinical worsening in cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy: prospective cohort study
H Chabriat, D Hervé, M Duering, O Godin, E Jouvent, C Opherk, N Alili, ...
Stroke 47 (1), 4-11, 2016
Identification of a strategic brain network underlying processing speed deficits in vascular cognitive impairment
M Duering, M Gonik, R Malik, N Zieren, S Reyes, E Jouvent, D Hervé, ...
Neuroimage 66, 177-183, 2013
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20