Jose Eduardo Rivera
Jose Eduardo Rivera
Marbella International University Centre
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Formal and Tool Support for Model Driven Engineering with Maude.
JR Romero, JE Rivera, F Durán, A Vallecillo
J. Object Technol. 6 (9), 187-207, 2007
Formal specification and analysis of domain specific models using Maude
JE Rivera, F Durán, A Vallecillo
Simulation 85 (11-12), 778-792, 2009
A graphical approach for modeling time-dependent behavior of DSLs
JE Rivera, F Durán, A Vallecillo
2009 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC …, 2009
Orchestrating ATL model transformations
JE Rivera, D Ruiz-Gonzalez, F Lopez-Romero, J Bautista, A Vallecillo
Proc. of MtATL 9, 34-46, 2009
Analyzing rule-based behavioral semantics of visual modeling languages with Maude
JE Rivera, E Guerra, J de Lara, A Vallecillo
International Conference on Software Language Engineering, 54-73, 2008
Representing and operating with model differences
JE Rivera, A Vallecillo
Objects, Components, Models and Patterns: 46th International Conference …, 2008
MDWEnet: A practical approach to achieving interoperability of model-driven web engineering methods
A Vallecillo, N Koch, C Cachero, S Comai, P Fraternali, I Garrigós, ...
On the behavioral semantics of real-time domain specific visual languages
JE Rivera, F Durán, A Vallecillo
Rewriting Logic and Its Applications: 8th International Workshop, WRLA 2010 …, 2010
Adding behavior to models
JE Rivera, A Vallecillo
11th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference …, 2007
Simulating domain specific visual models by observation
J Troya, JE Rivera, A Vallecillo
Proceedings of the 2010 Spring Simulation Multiconference, 1-8, 2010
Comprensiones epistémicas, conceptuales y metodológicas que fundamentan la relación entre los valores estratégicos institucionales y los sistemas de gestión de las …
J Rivera
Trabajo especial para optar al título de Doctor, Universidad de Salamanca …, 2015
On the semantics of real-time domain specific modeling languages
JE Rivera
University of Malaga, 2010
Behavior, time and viewpoint consistency: Three challenges for mde
JE Rivera, JR Romero, A Vallecillo
International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems …, 2008
On the specification of non-functional properties of systems by observation
J Troya, JE Rivera, A Vallecillo
International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems …, 2009
Extending visual modeling languages with timed behavioral specifications
JE Rivera, C Vicente-Chicote, A Vallecillo
Proc. of IDEAS 2009, 2009
A metamodel for maude
JE Rivera, F Durán, A Vallecillo
Technical report, 2008
Realizing feature oriented software development with equational logic: An exploratory study
RE Lopez-Herrejon, JE Rivera
Mondragon Unibertsitatea, 2009
e-motions: A graphical approach for modeling timedependent behavior of domain specific languages
JE Rivera, A Vallecillo, F Durán
Technical report available at: http://atenea. lcc. uma. es/images/a/a4/E …, 2009
Analysing models with Maude
JE Rivera, A Vallecillo, F Durán
Technical report, Universidad de Málaga, 2008
Subtipado de Modelos: Una Definición Basada en la Sustitución entre Tipos y en la Aplicabilidad de Operaciones.
JE Rivera, N Moreno
CIbSE, 375-379, 2008
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20