Professor Montaz Ali
Cited by
Cited by
A numerical evaluation of several stochastic algorithms on selected continuous global optimization test problems
MM Ali, C Khompatraporn, ZB Zabinsky
Journal of global optimization 31, 635-672, 2005
Population set-based global optimization algorithms: some modifications and numerical studies
MM Ali, A Törn
Computers & Operations Research 31 (10), 1703-1725, 2004
A numerical study of some modified differential evolution algorithms
P Kaelo, MM Ali
European journal of operational research 169 (3), 1176-1184, 2006
A class of bivariate distributions including the bivariate logistic
MM Ali, NN Mikhail, MS Haq
Journal of multivariate analysis 8 (3), 405-412, 1978
Can the EQ-5D detect meaningful change? A systematic review
N Payakachat, MM Ali, JM Tilford
Pharmacoeconomics 33, 1137-1154, 2015
Some variants of the controlled random search algorithm for global optimization
P Kaelo, MM Ali
Journal of optimization theory and applications 130, 253-264, 2006
Stochastic global optimization: Problem classes and solution techniques
A Törn, MM Ali, S Viitanen
Journal of Global Optimization 14, 437-447, 1999
Improved particle swarm algorithms for global optimization
MM Ali, P Kaelo
Applied mathematics and computation 196 (2), 578-593, 2008
A numerical comparison of some modified controlled random search algorithms
MM Ali, A Törn, S Viitanen
Journal of Global Optimization 11, 377-385, 1997
Application of stochastic global optimization algorithms to practical problems
MM Ali, C Storey, A Törn
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 95, 545-563, 1997
Differential evolution with preferential crossover
MM Ali
European Journal of Operational Research 181 (3), 1137-1147, 2007
Differential evolution algorithms using hybrid mutation
P Kaelo, MM Ali
Computational Optimization and Applications 37, 231-246, 2007
Integrated crossover rules in real coded genetic algorithms
P Kaelo, MM Ali
European Journal of Operational Research 176 (1), 60-76, 2007
Evaluation of the status of use of chemicals and antibiotics in freshwater aquaculture activities with special emphasis to fish health management
MAR Faruk, MM Ali, ZP Patwary
Journal of the Bangladesh Agricultural University 6 (2), 2008
A direct search variant of the simulated annealing algorithm for optimization involving continuous variables
MM Ali, A Törn, S Viitanen
Computers & Operations Research 29 (1), 87-102, 2002
A penalty function-based differential evolution algorithm for constrained global optimization
MM Ali, WX Zhu
Computational Optimization and Applications 54 (3), 707-739, 2013
Modified controlled random search algorithms
MM Ali, C Storey
International Journal of Computer Mathematics 53 (3-4), 229-235, 1994
Topographical multilevel single linkage
MM Ali, C Storey
Journal of Global Optimization 5, 349-358, 1994
A hybrid simulated annealing algorithm for nonslicing VLSI floorplanning
J Chen, W Zhu, MM Ali
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and …, 2010
Evolutionary algorithm-based PID controller tuning for nonlinear quarter-car electrohydraulic vehicle suspensions
M Dangor, OA Dahunsi, JO Pedro, MM Ali
Nonlinear dynamics 78, 2795-2810, 2014
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Articles 1–20