Emanuela Guidoboni
Emanuela Guidoboni
EEDIS -Centro di documentazione Eventi Estremi e Disastri
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Catalogo dei forti terremoti in Italia dal 461 aC al 1980
E Boschi, G Ferrari, P Gasperini, E Guidoboni, G Smriglio, G Valensise
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica, 1995
Catalogue of ancient earthquakes in the Mediterranean sea up to the 10th century.
E Guidoboni, G Traina, A Comastri
Istituto nazionale di geofisica, 1994
Catalogue of Strong Italian Earthquakes from 461 BC to 1997: introductory texts and CD-ROM no. 3
E Boschi, E Guidoboni, G Ferrari, D Mariotti, G Valensise, P Gasperini
Ann. Geofis. 43 (4), 609-868, 2000
E Guidoboni, G Ferrari, D Mariotti, A Comastri, G Tarabusi, G Valensise
Catalogue of Strong Earthquakes in Italy (461 BC-1997) and Mediterranean …, 2007
I terremoti prima del Mille in Italia e nell'area mediterranea
E Guidoboni
Sga, 1989
Catalogue of Strong Italian Earthquakes from 461 BC to 1997 (Appendix to volume 43 N 4, 2000)
E Boschi, E Guidoboni, G Ferrari, D Mariotti, G Valensise, P Gasperini
Annals of Geophysics 43 (4), 2000
Flood events of selected European rivers in the sixteenth century
R Brázdil, R Glaser, C Pfister, P Dobrovolný, JM Antoine, M Barriendos, ...
Climatic change 43, 239-285, 1999
CFTI5Med, Catalogo dei Forti Terremoti in Italia (461 aC-1997) e nell’area Mediterranea (760 aC-1500)
E Guidoboni, G Ferrari, D Mariotti, A Comastri, G Tarabusi, G Sgattoni, ...
Earthquakes and tsunamis in the past. A guide to techniques in historical seismology
E Guidoboni, JE Ebel
Cambridge University Press, 2009
Documentary evidence on climate in sixteenth-century Europe
C Pfister, R Brázdil, R Glaser, M Barriendos, D Camuffo, M Deutsch, ...
Climatic change 43, 55-110, 1999
CFTI5Med, the new release of the catalogue of strong earthquakes in Italy and in the Mediterranean area
E Guidoboni, G Ferrari, G Tarabusi, G Sgattoni, A Comastri, D Mariotti, ...
Scientific Data 6 (1), 80, 2019
Tsunami hazard evaluation of the eastern Mediterranean: historical analysis and selected modeling
A Salamon, T Rockwell, SN Ward, E Guidoboni, A Comastri
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 97 (3), 705-724, 2007
Catalogue of Strong Earthquakes in Italy (461 BC-1997) and Mediterranean Area (760 BC-1500)
E Guidoboni, G Ferrari, D Mariotti, A Comastri, G Tarabusi, G Valensise
The Campi Flegrei caldera: historical revision and new data on seismic crises, bradyseisms, the Monte Nuovo eruption and ensuing earthquakes (twelfth century 1582 AD)
E Guidoboni, C Ciuccarelli
Bulletin of volcanology 73, 655-677, 2011
The large earthquake of 8 August 1303 in Crete: seismic scenario and tsunami in the Mediterranean area
E Guidoboni, A Comastri
Journal of Seismology 1 (1), 55-72, 1997
Catalogo dei forti terremoti in Italia dal 461 a
E Boschi, G Ferrari, P Gasperini, E Guidoboni, G Smriglio, G Valensise
C. al 2, 1980
Seismic analysis of the Asinelli Tower and earthquakes in Bologna
P Riva, F Perotti, E Guidoboni, E Boschi
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 17 (7-8), 525-550, 1998
The “exceptional” earthquake of 3 January 1117 in the Verona area (northern Italy): A critical time review and detection of two lost earthquakes (lower Germany and Tuscany)
E Guidoboni, A Comastri, E Boschi
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 110 (B12), 2005
Il peso economico e sociale dei disastri sismici in Italia negli ultimi 150 anni
E Guidoboni, G Valensise, D Mariotti, C Ciuccarelli, F Bernardini, ...
Bononia University Press, 2011
Seismic effects of the strongest historical earthquak in the Syracuse area
E Boschi, E Guidoboni, D Mariotti
Il sistema al momento non puň eseguire l'operazione. Riprova piů tardi.
Articoli 1–20