Germano Gallicchio
Germano Gallicchio
School of Psychology and Sport Science, Bangor University
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Preparation for action: Psychophysiological activity preceding a motor skill as a function of expertise, performance outcome, and psychological pressure
A Cooke, M Kavussanu, G Gallicchio, A Willoughby, D McIntyre, C Ring
Psychophysiology 51 (4), 374-384, 2014
Temporal Dynamics of Cognitive–Emotional Interplay in Moral Decision-making
M Sarlo, L Lotto, A Manfrinati, R Rumiati, G Gallicchio, D Palomba
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 24 (4), 1018-1029, 2012
Practice makes efficient: Cortical alpha oscillations are associated with improved golf putting performance
G Gallicchio, A Cooke, C Ring
Sport, Exercise & Performance Psychology, 2017
Lower Left Temporal-Frontal Connectivity Characterizes Expert and Accurate Performance: High-Alpha T7-Fz Connectivity as a Marker of Conscious Processing During Movement.
G Gallicchio, A Cooke, C Ring
Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology 5 (1), 14-24, 2016
Premovement high‐alpha power is modulated by previous movement errors: Indirect evidence to endorse high‐alpha power as a marker of resource allocation during motor programming
A Cooke, G Gallicchio, M Kavussanu, A Willoughby, D McIntyre, C Ring
Psychophysiology 52 (7), 977-981, 2015
Shooting under cardiovascular load: Electroencephalographic activity in preparation for biathlon shooting
G Gallicchio, T Finkenzeller, G Sattlecker, S Lindinger, K Hoedlmoser
International Journal of Psychophysiology 109, 92-99, 2016
Mind and body: Psychophysiological profiles of instructional and motivational self‐talk
E Bellomo, A Cooke, G Gallicchio, C Ring, J Hardy
Psychophysiology 57 (9), e13586, 2020
EEG correlates of verbal and conscious processing of motor control in sport and human movement: a systematic review
JVV Parr, G Gallicchio, G Wood
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology 16 (1), 396-427, 2023
Assessing ocular activity during performance of motor skills using electrooculography
G Gallicchio, A Cooke, C Ring
Psychophysiology, 2018
The influence of physical exercise on the relation between the phase of cardiac cycle and shooting accuracy in biathlon
G Gallicchio, T Finkenzeller, G Sattlecker, S Lindinger, K Hoedlmoser
European journal of sport science 19 (5), 567-575, 2019
The quiet eye effect: A test of the visual and postural-kinematic hypotheses
G Gallicchio, C Ring
Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 2020
Don’t look, don’t think, just do it! Toward an understanding of alpha gating in a discrete aiming task
G Gallicchio, C Ring
Psychophysiology 56 (3), e13298, 2019
Cortical, muscular, and kinetic activity underpinning attentional focus strategies during visuomotor control
JVV Parr, G Gallicchio, A Canales‐Johnson, L Uiga, G Wood
Psychophysiology 60 (6), e14249, 2023
Neurofeedback research in sport: A critical review of the field
AM Cooke, E Bellomo, G Gallicchio, C Ring
Handbook of sport neuroscience and psychophysiology, 282-303, 2018
All talk? Challenging the use of left-temporal EEG alpha oscillations as valid measures of verbal processing and conscious motor control
JVV Parr, G Gallicchio, NR Harrison, AK Johnen, G Wood
Biological Psychology 155, 107943, 2020
Impaired cerebral and systemic hemodynamics under cognitive load in young hypotensives: a transcranial Doppler study
M Sarlo, M de Zambotti, G Gallicchio, A Devigili, L Stegagno
Journal of behavioral medicine 36, 134-142, 2013
Reduced cerebral and cardiovascular hemodynamics during sustained affective stimulation in young women with chronic low blood pressure
N Cellini, M de Zambotti, N Covassin, G Gallicchio, L Stegagno, M Sarlo
Physiology & behavior 143, 83-89, 2015
Preparatory EEG spectral power and coherence in biathlon rifle shooting: a pilot study
K Hoedlmoser, G Sattlecker, T Finkenzeller, G Gallicchio
3rd International Congress on Science and Nordic Skiing 5, 68, 2015
Eye quietness and quiet eye in expert and novice golf performance: an electrooculographic analysis
G Gallicchio, A Cooke, C Ring
International Society of Sport Psychology, 2017
Conscious processing and cortico-cortical functional connectivity in golf putting.
G Gallicchio, A Cooke, C Ring
50th Anniversary of International Society of Sport Psychology, 2015
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Articles 1–20