Eliodoro Chiavazzo
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Cited by
Passive solar high-yield seawater desalination by modular and low-cost distillation
E Chiavazzo, M Morciano, F Viglino, M Fasano, P Asinari
Nature sustainability 1 (12), 763-772, 2018
Rough surfaces with enhanced heat transfer for electronics cooling by direct metal laser sintering
L Ventola, F Robotti, M Dialameh, F Calignano, D Manfredi, E Chiavazzo, ...
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 75, 58-74, 2014
Scaling behaviour for the water transport in nanoconfined geometries
E Chiavazzo, M Fasano, P Asinari, P Decuzzi
Nature communications 5 (1), 3565, 2014
A review on the heat and mass transfer phenomena in nanofluid coolants with special focus on automotive applications
MB Bigdeli, M Fasano, A Cardellini, E Chiavazzo, P Asinari
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 60, 1615-1633, 2016
Solar passive distiller with high productivity and Marangoni effect-driven salt rejection
M Morciano, M Fasano, SV Boriskina, E Chiavazzo, P Asinari
Energy & Environmental Science 13 (10), 3646-3655, 2020
Intrinsic map dynamics exploration for uncharted effective free-energy landscapes
E Chiavazzo, R Covino, RR Coifman, CW Gear, AS Georgiou, G Hummer, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (28), E5494-E5503, 2017
Interplay between hydrophilicity and surface barriers on water transport in zeolite membranes
M Fasano, T Humplik, A Bevilacqua, M Tsapatsis, E Chiavazzo, EN Wang, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 12762, 2016
Comparison of invariant manifolds for model reduction in chemical kinetics
E Chiavazzo, AN Gorban, IV Karlin
Commun. Comput. Phys 2 (5), 964-992, 2007
Thermal transport phenomena in nanoparticle suspensions
A Cardellini, M Fasano, MB Bigdeli, E Chiavazzo, P Asinari
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 28 (48), 483003, 2016
Pore-scale modeling of fluid flow through gas diffusion and catalyst layers for high temperature proton exchange membrane (HT-PEM) fuel cells
UR Salomov, E Chiavazzo, P Asinari
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 67 (2), 393-411, 2014
Link-wise artificial compressibility method
P Asinari, T Ohwada, E Chiavazzo, AF Di Rienzo
Journal of Computational Physics 231 (15), 5109-5143, 2012
Thermal transport across nanoparticle–fluid interfaces: The interplay of interfacial curvature and nanoparticle–fluid interactions
AS Tascini, J Armstrong, E Chiavazzo, M Fasano, P Asinari, F Bresme
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (4), 3244-3253, 2017
Water transport control in carbon nanotube arrays
M Fasano, E Chiavazzo, P Asinari
Nanoscale research letters 9, 1-8, 2014
Reduced models in chemical kinetics via nonlinear data-mining
E Chiavazzo, CW Gear, CJ Dsilva, N Rabin, IG Kevrekidis
Processes 2 (1), 112-140, 2014
Carbon-nanohorn based nanofluids for a direct absorption solar collector for civil application
A Moradi, E Sani, M Simonetti, F Francini, E Chiavazzo, P Asinari
Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology 15 (5), 3488-3495, 2015
Passive heat transfer enhancement by 3D printed Pitot tube based heat sink
M Fasano, L Ventola, F Calignano, D Manfredi, EP Ambrosio, ...
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 74, 36-39, 2016
Hierarchically structured magnetic nanoconstructs with enhanced relaxivity and cooperative tumor accumulation
A Gizzatov, J Key, S Aryal, J Ananta, A Cervadoro, AL Palange, M Fasano, ...
Advanced functional materials 24 (29), 4584-4594, 2014
Efficient steam generation by inexpensive narrow gap evaporation device for solar applications
M Morciano, M Fasano, U Salomov, L Ventola, E Chiavazzo, P Asinari
Scientific reports 7 (1), 11970, 2017
An overview on the use of additives and preparation procedure in phase change materials for thermal energy storage with a focus on long term applications
A Ribezzo, G Falciani, L Bergamasco, M Fasano, E Chiavazzo
Journal of Energy Storage 53, 105140, 2022
Sustainable freshwater production using passive membrane distillation and waste heat recovery from portable generator sets
M Morciano, M Fasano, L Bergamasco, A Albiero, ML Curzio, P Asinari, ...
Applied Energy 258, 114086, 2020
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Articles 1–20