Tatiana Habruseva, PhD
Tatiana Habruseva, PhD
LinkedIn / Cork University Hospital / UCC
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Weighted boxes fusion: Ensembling boxes from different object detection models
R Solovyev, W Wang, T Gabruseva
Image and Vision Computing 107, 104117, 2021
Deep learning for automatic pneumonia detection
T Gabruseva, D Poplavskiy, A Kalinin
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2020
Coherence and incoherence in an optical comb
EA Viktorov, T Habruseva, SP Hegarty, G Huyet, B Kelleher
Physical review letters 112 (22), 224101, 2014
Optical linewidth of a passively mode-locked semiconductor laser
T Habruseva, S O'Donoghue, N Rebrova, F Kéfélian, SP Hegarty, G Huyet
Optics letters 34 (21), 3307-3309, 2009
3D convolutional neural networks for stalled brain capillary detection
R Solovyev, AA Kalinin, T Gabruseva
Computers in biology and medicine 141, 105089, 2022
Quantum-dot mode-locked lasers with dual-mode optical injection
T Habruseva, S O'Donoghue, N Rebrova, DA Reid, LP Barry, ...
IEEE photonics technology letters 22 (6), 359-361, 2010
Stabilization of a passively mode-locked laser by continuous wave optical injection
N Rebrova, T Habruseva, G Huyet, SP Hegarty
Applied physics letters 97 (10), 2010
Optimum phase noise reduction and repetition rate tuning in quantum-dot mode-locked lasers
T Habruseva, D Arsenijević, M Kleinert, D Bimberg, G Huyet, SP Hegarty
Applied Physics Letters 104 (2), 2014
Semiconductor mode-locked lasers with coherent dual-mode optical injection: simulations, analysis, and experiment
RM Arkhipov, T Habruseva, A Pimenov, M Radziunas, SP Hegarty, ...
JOSA B 33 (3), 351-359, 2016
Dynamics of quantum-dot mode-locked lasers with optical injection
T Habruseva, G Huyet, SP Hegarty
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 17 (5), 1272-1279, 2011
Wavelength stability in a hybrid photonic crystal laser through controlled nonlinear absorptive heating in the reflector
AP Bakoz, AA Liles, AA Gonzalez-Fernandez, T Habruseva, C Hu, ...
Light: Science & Applications 7 (1), 39, 2018
Bistability and hysteresis in an optically injected two-section semiconductor laser
A Pimenov, EA Viktorov, SP Hegarty, T Habruseva, G Huyet, D Rachinskii, ...
Physical Review E 89 (5), 052903, 2014
Effect of dynamical instability on timing jitter in passively mode-locked quantum-dot lasers
A Pimenov, T Habruseva, D Rachinskii, SP Hegarty, G Huyet, ...
Optics Letters 39 (24), 6815-6818, 2014
Photometric light curves classification with machine learning
T Gabruseva, S Zlobin, P Wang
Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation 9 (01), 2050005, 2020
The sound demixing challenge 2023–music demixing track
G Fabbro, S Uhlich, CH Lai, W Choi, M Martínez-Ramírez, W Liao, ...
Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval 7 (1), 2024
Bistable regimes in an optically injected mode-locked laser
T Habruseva, SP Hegarty, AG Vladimirov, A Pimenov, D Rachinskii, ...
Optics express 20 (23), 25572-25583, 2012
Fully convolutional siamese neural networks for buildings damage assessment from satellite images
E Khvedchenya, T Gabruseva
arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.00508, 2021
Fast-recovery of the amplitude and phase of short optical pulses using a frequency-swept source based heterodyne measurement
M Korti, T Habruseva, S Slepneva, K Merghem, G Huyet, Y Gottesman, ...
IEEE Photonics Journal 10 (3), 1-7, 2018
Mode-locked semiconductor lasers with optical injection
T Habruseva, N Rebrova, SP Hegarty, G Huyet
Quantum Dot Devices, 65-91, 2012
Polarization attractors in harmonic mode-locked fiber laser
T Habruseva, C Mou, A Rozhin, SV Sergeyev
Optics Express 22 (12), 15211-15217, 2014
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Articles 1–20