Federica Tubino
Federica Tubino
Associate Professor, Genoa University
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Equivalent spectral model and maximum dynamic response for the serviceability analysis of footbridges
G Piccardo, F Tubino
Engineering Structures 40, 445-456, 2012
Proper orthogonal decomposition in wind engineering-Part 1: A state-of-the-art and some prospects
G Solari, L Carassale, F Tubino
Wind and Structures 10 (2), 153-176, 2007
Parametric resonance of flexible footbridges under crowd-induced lateral excitation
G Piccardo, F Tubino
Journal of Sound and Vibration 311 (1-2), 353-371, 2008
Some research perspectives in galloping phenomena: critical conditions and post-critical behavior
G Piccardo, LC Pagnini, F Tubino
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 27, 261-285, 2015
Relationships among aerodynamic admittance functions, flutter derivatives and static coefficients for long-span bridges
F Tubino
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 93 (12), 929-950, 2005
Tuned mass damper optimization for the mitigation of human-induced vibrations of pedestrian bridges
F Tubino, G Piccardo
Meccanica 50, 809-824, 2015
Simplified procedures for vibration serviceability analysis of footbridges subjected to realistic walking loads
G Piccardo, F Tubino
Computers & structures 87 (13-14), 890-903, 2009
Proper orthogonal decomposition in wind engineering. Part 2: Theoretical aspects and some applications
L Carassale, G Solari, F Tubino
Wind and Structures 10 (2), 177-208, 2007
A turbulence model based on principal components
G Solari, F Tubino
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 17 (4), 327-335, 2002
Equivalent nonlinear beam model for the 3-D analysis of shear-type buildings: Application to aeroelastic instability
G Piccardo, F Tubino, A Luongo
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 80, 52-65, 2016
A shear–shear torsional beam model for nonlinear aeroelastic analysis of tower buildings
G Piccardo, F Tubino, A Luongo
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 66, 1895-1913, 2015
Equivalent Timoshenko linear beam model for the static and dynamic analysis of tower buildings
G Piccardo, F Tubino, A Luongo
Applied Mathematical Modelling 71, 77-95, 2019
Dynamic response of Euler-Bernoulli beams to resonant harmonic moving loads
G Piccardo, F Tubino
Structural Engineering and Mechanics 44 (5), 681-704, 2012
Probabilistic assessment of the dynamic interaction between multiple pedestrians and vertical vibrations of footbridges
F Tubino
Journal of Sound and Vibration 417, 80-96, 2018
Human-induced vibrations on two lively footbridges in Milan
F Tubino, L Carassale, G Piccardo
Journal of bridge engineering 21 (8), C4015002, 2016
Serviceability assessment of footbridges in unrestricted pedestrian traffic conditions
F Tubino, G Piccardo
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 12 (12), 1650-1660, 2016
Aeroelastic instability and wind-excited response of complex lighting poles and antenna masts
CH Nguyen, A Freda, G Solari, F Tubino
Engineering Structures 85, 264-276, 2015
Gust buffeting of long span bridges: Double Modal Transformation and effective turbulence
F Tubino, G Solari
Engineering structures 29 (8), 1698-1707, 2007
Time varying mean extraction for stationary and nonstationary winds
F Tubino, G Solari
Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics 203, 104187, 2020
Double proper orthogonal decomposition for representing and simulating turbulence fields
F Tubino, G Solari
Journal of engineering mechanics 131 (12), 1302-1312, 2005
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20