Data analysis on Coronavirus spreading by macroscopic growth laws P Castorina, A Iorio, D Lanteri
International Journal of Modern Physics C 31 (07), 2050103, 2020
71 2020 Universality in hadronic and nuclear collisions at high energy P Castorina, A Iorio, D Lanteri, H Satz, M Spousta
Physical Review C 101 (5), 054902, 2020
27 2020 How macroscopic laws describe complex dynamics: asymptomatic population and CoviD-19 spreading D Lanteri, D Carco, P Castorina
International Journal of Modern Physics C 31 (08), 2050112, 2020
20 2020 Strangeness enhancement and flow-like effects in annihilation at high parton density P Castorina, D Lanteri, H Satz
The European Physical Journal A 57, 1-6, 2021
12 2021 Gluon shadowing and nuclear entanglement entropy P Castorina, A Iorio, D Lanteri, P Lukeš
International Journal of Modern Physics E 30 (02), 2150010, 2021
11 2021 Containment effort reduction and regrowth patterns of the Covid-19 spreading D Lanteri, D Carco, P Castorina, M Ceccarelli, B Cacopardo
Infectious Disease Modelling 6, 632-642, 2021
11 2021 Thermodynamic geometry of strongly interacting matter P Castorina, M Imbrosciano, D Lanteri
Physical Review D 98 (9), 096006, 2018
11 2018 Fluctuations and thermodynamic geometry of the chiral phase transition P Castorina, D Lanteri, M Ruggieri
Physical Review D 102 (11), 116022, 2020
10 2020 Thermodynamic geometry of Nambu–Jona Lasinio model P Castorina, D Lanteri, S Mancani
The European Physical Journal Plus 135, 1-22, 2020
7 2020 Thermodynamic geometry and deconfinement temperature P Castorina, M Imbrosciano, D Lanteri
The European Physical Journal Plus 134, 1-7, 2019
7 2019 Deconfinement transition effects on cosmological parameters and primordial gravitational waves spectrum P Castorina, D Lanteri, S Mancani
Physical Review D 98 (2), 023007, 2018
7 2018 Stability of Schwarzschild (Anti) de Sitter black holes in conformal gravity D Lanteri, SS Wan, A Iorio, P Castorina
The European Physical Journal C 81 (7), 576, 2021
3 2021 Universality in high energy collisions of small and large systems P Castorina, A Iorio, D Lanteri, H Satz, M Spousta
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.12514, 2020
3 2020 Covid-19 in North Africa: Comparative analysis by macroscopic growth laws P Castorina, D Carco, D Lanteri, AN Tawfik, A Trabelsi
International Journal of Modern Physics C 32 (05), 2150063, 2021
1 2021 Unruh thermalization, gluon condensation, and freeze-out P Castorina, D Lanteri
Physical Review D 94 (7), 074022, 2016
Università degli studi di Catania, 2021
2021 Infectious Disease Modelling D Lanteri, D Carco, P Castorina, M Ceccarelli, B Cacopardo
2021 Unified description of thermal behaviors by macroscopic growth laws P Castorina, S Castorina, D Lanteri
Journal of Physics Communications 3 (6), 061001, 2019
2019 QCD Thermodynamic Geometry D Lanteri