Marta Gaia Sperandii
Marta Gaia Sperandii
1. Masaryk University. 2. Roma Tre University
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TRY plant trait database–enhanced coverage and open access
J Kattge, G Bönisch, S Díaz, S Lavorel, IC Prentice, P Leadley, ...
Global change biology 26 (1), 119-188, 2020
GrassPlot–a database of multi-scale plant diversity in Palaearctic grasslands
J Dengler, V Wagner, I Dembicz, I García-Mijangos, A Naqinezhad, ...
Borntraeger Science Publishers, 2018
Public attitudes toward biodiversity‐friendly greenspace management in Europe
LK Fischer, L Neuenkamp, J Lampinen, M Tuomi, JG Alday, A Bucharova, ...
Conservation Letters 13 (4), e12718, 2020
sPlotOpen–An environmentally balanced, open‐access, global dataset of vegetation plots
FM Sabatini, J Lenoir, T Hattab, EA Arnst, M Chytrý, J Dengler, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 30 (9), 1740-1764, 2021
Benchmarking plant diversity of Palaearctic grasslands and other open habitats
I Biurrun, R Pielech, I Dembicz, F Gillet, Ł Kozub, C Marcenň, T Reitalu, ...
Journal of Vegetation Science 32 (4), e13050, 2021
Capturing coastal dune natural vegetation types using a phenology-based mapping approach: The potential of Sentinel-2
F Marzialetti, S Giulio, M Malavasi, MG Sperandii, ATR Acosta, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (12), 1506, 2019
Advancing biological invasion hypothesis testing using functional diversity indices
D Renault, MCM Hess, J Braschi, RN Cuthbert, MG Sperandii, ...
Science of the Total Environment 834, 155102, 2022
Acceptance of near-natural greenspace management relates to ecological and socio-cultural assigned values among European urbanites
J Lampinen, M Tuomi, LK Fischer, L Neuenkamp, JG Alday, A Bucharova, ...
Basic and Applied Ecology 50, 119-131, 2021
Multiple drivers of plant diversity in coastal dunes: A Mediterranean experience
MG Sperandii, M Bazzichetto, ATR Acosta, V Barták, M Malavasi
Science of the Total Environment 652, 1435-1444, 2019
Shedding light on typical species: implications for habitat monitoring
G Bonari, E Fantinato, L Lazzaro, MG Sperandii, ATR Acosta, ...
Plant Sociology 58 (1), 157-166, 2021
Hard times for Italian coastal dunes: insights from a diachronic analysis based on random plots
MG Sperandii, I Prisco, ATR Acosta
Biodiversity and conservation 27, 633-646, 2018
Exploring the drivers of vascular plant richness at very fine spatial scale in sub-Mediterranean limestone grasslands (Central Apennines, Italy)
G Filibeck, MG Sperandii, M Bazzichetto, LD Mancini, F Rossini, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 28, 2701-2725, 2019
Back into the past: Resurveying random plots to track community changes in Italian coastal dunes
MG Sperandii, M Bazzichetto, F Gatti, ATR Acosta
Ecological Indicators 96, 572-578, 2019
RanVegDunes-a random plot database of Italian coastal dunes.
MG Sperandii, I Prisco, A Stanisci, ATR Acosta
Getting the measure of the biodiversity crisis in Mediterranean coastal habitats
MG Sperandii, V Barták, M Carboni, ATR Acosta
Journal of Ecology 109 (3), 1224-1235, 2021
Sampling strategy matters to accurately estimate response curves' parameters in species distribution models
M Bazzichetto, J Lenoir, D Da Re, E Tordoni, D Rocchini, M Malavasi, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 32 (10), 1717-1729, 2023
Disentangling the effect of coastal erosion and accretion on plant communities of Mediterranean dune ecosystems
M Bazzichetto, MG Sperandii, M Malavasi, ML Carranza, ATR Acosta
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 241, 106758, 2020
In and out: Effects of shoot-vs. rooted-presence sampling methods on plant diversity measures in mountain grasslands
L Cancellieri, LD Mancini, MG Sperandii, G Filibeck
Ecological Indicators 72, 315-321, 2017
Effectiveness of the Natura 2000 network in conserving Mediterranean coastal dune habitats
MG Sperandii, V Barták, ATR Acosta
Biological Conservation 248, 108689, 2020
Biodiversity patterns of dry grasslands in the Central Apennines (Italy) along a precipitation gradient: experiences from the 10th EDGG Field Workshop
G Filibeck, L Cancellieri, MG Sperandii, E Belonovskaya, N Sobolev, ...
Bulletin of the Eurasian Dry Grassland Group 36, 25-41, 2018
Il sistema al momento non puň eseguire l'operazione. Riprova piů tardi.
Articoli 1–20