Benedetta Basagni
Benedetta Basagni
CRT Clinica di Riabilitazione Toscana, Montevarchi, AR
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Does word frequency affect lexical selection in speech production?
E Navarrete, B Basagni, FX Alario, A Costa
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2006
A new standardization of the Bells Test: An Italian multi-center normative study
M Mancuso, A Damora, L Abbruzzese, E Navarrete, B Basagni, G Galardi, ...
Frontiers in psychology 9, 2745, 2019
Cross-validation of predictive models for functional recovery after post-stroke rehabilitation
S Campagnini, P Liuzzi, A Mannini, B Basagni, C Macchi, MC Carrozza, ...
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 19 (1), 96, 2022
The assessment of hemineglect syndrome with cancellation tasks: a comparison between the Bells test and the Apples test
B Basagni, A De Tanti, A Damora, L Abbruzzese, V Varalta, G Antonucci, ...
Neurological Sciences 38, 2171-2176, 2017
Recovery of consciousness after 7 years in vegetative state of non-traumatic origin: A single case study
A De Tanti, D Saviola, B Basagni, S Cavatorta, M Chiari, S Casalino, ...
Brain Injury 30 (8), 1029-1034, 2016
’Less is more’: validation with Rasch analysis of five short-forms for the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trust Personality Questionnaires (BIRT-PQs)
L Pellicciari, D Piscitelli, B Basagni, A De Tanti, L Algeri, S Caselli, ...
Brain injury 34 (13-14), 1741-1755, 2020
VRT (verbal reasoning test): a new test for assessment of verbal reasoning. Test realization and Italian normative data from a multicentric study
B Basagni, C Luzzatti, E Navarrete, M Caputo, G Scrocco, A Damora, ...
Neurological Sciences 38, 643-650, 2017
Cognitive and psychological outcomes and follow-up in severely affected COVID-19 survivors admitted to a rehabilitation hospital
A De Tanti, J Conforti, S Bruni, K De Gaetano, A Cappalli, B Basagni, ...
Neurological Sciences 44 (5), 1481-1489, 2023
Factors influencing trunk control recovery after intensive rehabilitation in post-stroke patients: a multicentre prospective study
L Pellicciari, A Sodero, S Campagnini, E Guolo, B Basagni, C Castagnoli, ...
Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation 30 (2), 109-118, 2023
Long term effects of severe acquired brain injury: A follow-up investigation on the role of cognitive reserve on cognitive outcomes
B Basagni, E Di Rosa, D Bertoni, S Mondini, A De Tanti
Applied Neuropsychology: Adult, 1-6, 2023
Cognitive reserve index and functional and cognitive outcomes in severe acquired brain injury: A pilot study
D Bertoni, F Petraglia, B Basagni, G Pedrazzi, K De Gaetano, ...
Applied Neuropsychology: Adult 29 (4), 684-694, 2022
The unidimensionality of the five Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trust Personality Questionnaires (BIRT-PQs) may be improved: Preliminary evidence from classical psychometrics
B Basagni, D Piscitelli, A De Tanti, L Pellicciari, L Algeri, S Caselli, ...
Brain injury 34 (5), 673-684, 2020
Safe return to driving following severe acquired brain injury: role of a short neuropsychological assessment
D Saviola, A De Tanti, J Conforti, L Posteraro, A Manfredini, C Bagattini, ...
European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine 54 (5), 717-723, 2018
Critical issue on the extinction and inattention subtest of NIHSS scale: an analysis on post-acute stroke patients attending inpatient rehabilitation
B Basagni, B Hakiki, S Campagnini, E Salvadori, A Grippo, A Paperini, ...
BMC neurology 21, 1-7, 2021
Extra-linguistic cognitive functions involved in the token test: results from a cohort of non-aphasic stroke patients with right hemisphere lesion
B Basagni, S Pancani, L Pellicciari, P Gemignani, E Salvadori, ...
Behavioral Sciences 12 (12), 494, 2022
Italian translation and cross-cultural validation of an assessment tool for participation in stroke survivors: the Frenchay Activities Index
L Antonucci, C Barbato, L Pellicciari, A Paperini, I Hochleitner, ...
Neurological Sciences 43 (7), 4297-4306, 2022
Some evidence on Gerstmann’s syndrome: A case study on a variant of the clinical disorder
B Basagni, C Luzzatti, A De Tanti, F Bozzetti, G Crisi, C Pinardi, A Errante, ...
Brain and Cognition 148, 105679, 2021
Rehabilitation of unilateral spatial neglect: A combined behavioral and fMRI single-case study.
B Basagni, A Errante, C Pinardi, K De Gaetano, G Crisi, A De Tanti, ...
Neuropsychology 33 (3), 343, 2019
Impaired reading not due to visual field loss in a patient with a right-hemipsheric lesion
B Basagni, I Patané, V Ferrari, N Bruno
Neurocase 20 (5), 510-523, 2014
Intra-and inter-rater reliability of the Italian Fugl-Meyer assessment of upper and lower extremity
I Hochleitner, L Pellicciari, C Castagnoli, A Paperini, AM Politi, ...
Disability and Rehabilitation 45 (18), 2989-2999, 2023
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20