Martin J. Baptist
Martin J. Baptist
Wageningen Marine Research
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On inducing equations for vegetation resistance
MJ Baptist, V Babovic, J Rodríguez Uthurburu, M Keijzer, ...
Journal of Hydraulic Research 45 (4), 435-450, 2007
When we cannot have it all: Ecosystem services trade-offs in the context of spatial planning
F Turkelboom, M Leone, S Jacobs, E Kelemen, M García-Llorente, F Baró, ...
Ecosystem services 29, 566-578, 2018
Modelling floodplain biogeomorphology.
MJ Baptist
Sustainable hydraulic engineering through building with nature
HJ De Vriend, M van Koningsveld, SGJ Aarninkhof, MB de Vries, ...
Journal of Hydro-environment research 9 (2), 159-171, 2015
Floodplain roughness parameterization using airborne laser scanning and spectral remote sensing
MW Straatsma, MJ Baptist
Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (3), 1062-1080, 2008
Assessment of the effects of cyclic floodplain rejuvenation on flood levels and biodiversity along the Rhine River
MJ Baptist, WE Penning, H Duel, AJM Smits, GW Geerling, ...
River Research and Applications 20 (3), 285-297, 2004
The Wadden Sea a universally outstanding tidal wetland
K Reise, MJ Baptist, P Burbridge, N Dankers, L Fischer, B Flemming, ...
Wadden Sea Ecosystem 29, 7-24, 2010
Beneficial use of dredged sediment to enhance salt marsh development by applying a ‘Mud Motor’
MJ Baptist, T Gerkema, BC Van Prooijen, DS Van Maren, M Van Regteren, ...
Ecological Engineering 127, 312-323, 2019
The distribution of macrozoobenthos in the southern North Sea in relation to meso-scale bedforms
MJ Baptist, J van Dalfsen, A Weber, S Passchier, S van Heteren
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 68 (3-4), 538-546, 2006
A flume experiment on sediment transport with flexible, submerged vegetation
MJ Baptist
International workshop on riparian forest vegetated channels: hydraulic …, 2003
Nature rehabilitation by floodplain excavation: The hydraulic effect of 16 years of sedimentation and vegetation succession along the Waal River, NL
GW Geerling, E Kater, C Van den Brink, MJ Baptist, AMJ Ragas, ...
Geomorphology 99 (1-4), 317-328, 2008
State-of-the-art in data sampling, modelling analysis and applications of river habitat modelling
A Harby, M Baptist, MJ Dunbar, S Schmutz
COST action 626, 1-313, 2004
Cyclic floodplain rejuvenation
H Duel, MJ Baptist, WE Penning
Prey capture success of Sandwich Terns Sterna sandvicensis varies non‐linearly with water transparency
MJ Baptist, MF Leopold
Ibis 152 (4), 815-825, 2010
Bird radar validation in the field by time-referencing line-transect surveys
AM Dokter, MJ Baptist, BJ Ens, KL Krijgsveld, EE van Loon
PloS one 8 (9), e74129, 2013
Salt marsh construction as a nature-based solution in an estuarine social-ecological system
MJ Baptist, P Dankers, J Cleveringa, L Sittoni, P Willemsen, ...
Nature-Based Solutions 1, 100005, 2021
Short-term impact of deep sand extraction and ecosystem-based landscaping on macrozoobenthos and sediment characteristics
MF De Jong, MJ Baptist, HJ Lindeboom, P Hoekstra
Marine Pollution Bulletin 97 (1-2), 294-308, 2015
Modelling the effects of vegetation on flow and morphology in rivers
MJ Baptist, LV Van den Bosch, JT Dijkstra, S Kapinga
Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 339-357, 2005
An ecotope map of the trilateral Wadden Sea
MJ Baptist, JT Van Der Wal, EO Folmer, U Gräwe, K Elschot
Journal of Sea Research 152, 101761, 2019
Relationships between macrozoobenthos and habitat characteristics in an intensively used area of the Dutch coastal zone
MF De Jong, MJ Baptist, HJ Lindeboom, P Hoekstra
ICES Journal of Marine Science 72 (8), 2409-2422, 2015
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