Francesco Capone
Francesco Capone
Associate professor, Department in Economics and Management, University of Florence
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Do creative industries cluster? Mapping creative local production systems in Italy and Spain
L Lazzeretti, R Boix, F Capone
Managing situated creativity in cultural industries, 90-108, 2013
Why do creative industries cluster?
L Lazzeretti, R Boix, F Capone
Creative industries and innovation in Europe, 45-64, 2012
How proximity matters in innovation networks dynamics along the cluster evolution. A study of the high technology applied to cultural goods
L Lazzeretti, F Capone
Journal of Business Research 69 (12), 5855-5865, 2016
Reasons for clustering of creative industries in Italy and Spain
L Lazzeretti, F Capone, R Boix
European Planning Studies 20 (8), 1243-1262, 2012
Comparing creative industries in Europe
R Boix, F Capone, L De Propris, L Lazzeretti, D Sanchez
European Urban and Regional Studies 23 (4), 935-940, 2016
Sources of growth and competitiveness of local tourist production systems: an application to Italy (1991–2001)
F Capone, R Boix
The Annals of Regional Science 42, 209-224, 2008
The role of multiple ties in knowledge networks: Complementarity in the Montefalco wine cluster
A Maghssudipour, L Lazzeretti, F Capone
Industrial Marketing Management 90, 667-678, 2020
The geography of creative industries in Europe: comparing France, Great Britain, Italy and Spain
R Boix, L Lazzeretti, F Capone, L De Propris, D Sánchez
Creative industries and innovation in Europe, 23-44, 2012
The different roles of proximity in multiple informal network relationships: Evidence from the cluster of high technology applied to cultural goods in Tuscany
F Capone, L Lazzeretti
Industry and Innovation 25 (9), 897-917, 2018
Regional competitiveness in tourist local systems
F Capone
Louvain-la-Neuve: European Regional Science Association (ERSA), 2004
Rethinking clusters. Towards a new research agenda for cluster research
L Lazzeretti, F Capone, A Caloffi, SR Sedita
European Planning Studies 27 (10), 1879-1903, 2019
Exploring the intellectual structure of creative economy research and local economic development: A co-citation analysis
L Lazzeretti, F Capone, N Innocenti
European Planning Studies 25 (10), 1693-1713, 2017
Tourist cluster, destination and competitiveness
F Capone
Routledge, 2016
Systemic approaches for the analysis of tourism destination: towards the tourist local systems
F Capone
Tourism local systems and networking, 7-24, 2006
Türkiye’de yaratıcı ve kültürel sektörlerin yapısı
L Lazzeretti, F Capone, İE Seçilmiş
Maliye Dergisi 166 (1), 195-220, 2014
Open innovation in city of art: The case of laser technologies for conservation in Florence
L Lazzeretti, F Capone, T Cinti
City, Culture and Society 2 (3), 159-168, 2011
Mapping and analysing local tourism systems in Italy, 1991–2001
L Lazzeretti, F Capone
Tourism Geographies 10 (2), 214-232, 2008
Fashion and city branding: An analysis of the perception of Florence as a fashion city
F Capone, L Lazzeretti
Journal of Global Fashion Marketing 7 (3), 166-180, 2016
Spatial spillovers and employment dynamics in local tourist systems in Italy (1991–2001)
L Lazzeretti, F Capone
European Planning Studies 17 (11), 1665-1683, 2009
Knowledge networks and industrial structure for regional innovation: An analysis of patents collaborations in Italy
N Innocenti, F Capone, L Lazzeretti
Papers in Regional Science 99 (1), 55-73, 2020
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20