Philippe Mandin
Philippe Mandin
Professeur des universités, Université de Bretagne Sud
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Modelling and calculation of the current density distribution evolution at vertical gas-evolving electrodes
P Mandin, J Hamburger, S Bessou, G Picard
Electrochimica Acta 51 (6), 1140-1156, 2005
Physical principles and miniaturization of spark assisted chemical engraving (SACE)
R Wüthrich, LA Hof, A Lal, K Fujisaki, H Bleuler, P Mandin, G Picard
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 15 (10), S268, 2005
Influence of gravity and pressure on pool fire-type diffusion flames
JM Most, P Mandin, J Chen, P Joulain, D Durox, AC Fernande-Pello
Symposium (International) on combustion 26 (1), 1311-1317, 1996
Review of necessary thermophysical properties and their sensivities with temperature and electrolyte mass fractions for alkaline water electrolysis multiphysics modelling
D Le Bideau, P Mandin, M Benbouzid, M Kim, M Sellier
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44 (10), 4553-4569, 2019
Two-phase electrolysis process: From the bubble to the electrochemical cell properties
P Mandin, AA Aissa, H Roustan, J Hamburger, G Picard
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 47 (11), 1926-1932, 2008
Performance evaluation of environmentally benign nonionic biosurfactant for enhanced oil recovery
S Seo, M Mastiani, B Mosavati, DM Peters, P Mandin, M Kim
Fuel 234, 48-55, 2018
Microscale thermometry: A review
MM Kim, A Giry, M Mastiani, GO Rodrigues, A Reis, P Mandin
Microelectronic Engineering 148, 129-142, 2015
Electrochemical discharges—Discovery and early applications
R Wüthrich, P Mandin
Electrochimica Acta 54 (16), 4031-4035, 2009
Modelling and numerical simulation of hydrodynamical processes in a confined rotating electrode configuration
P Mandin, T Pauporté, P Fanouillère, D Lincot
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 565 (2), 159-173, 2004
Bubble over-potential during two-phase alkaline water electrolysis
P Mandin, Z Derhoumi, H Roustan, W Rolf
Electrochimica Acta 128, 248-258, 2014
Eulerian two-fluid model of alkaline water electrolysis for hydrogen production
D Le Bideau, P Mandin, M Benbouzid, M Kim, M Sellier, F Ganci, ...
Energies 13 (13), 3394, 2020
Ni-Fe alloy nanostructured electrodes for water splitting in alkaline electrolyser
B Buccheri, F Ganci, B Patella, G Aiello, P Mandin, R Inguanta
Electrochimica Acta 388, 138588, 2021
Prediction of the electrodeposition process behavior with the gravity or acceleration value at continuous and discrete scale
P Mandin, JM Cense, B Georges, V Favre, T Pauporté, Y Fukunaka, ...
Electrochimica acta 53 (1), 233-244, 2007
Importance of the density gradient effects in modelling electro deposition process at a rotating cylinder electrode
P Mandin, C Fabian, D Lincot
Electrochimica Acta 51 (19), 4067-4079, 2006
SOFC modelling and numerical simulation of performances
P Mandin, C Bernay, S Tran‐Dac, A Broto, D Abes, M Cassir
Fuel Cells 6 (1), 71-78, 2006
Industrial aluminium production: the Hall-Heroult process modelling
P Mandin, R Wüthrich, H Roustan
ECS Transactions 19 (26), 1, 2009
Hydrogen consumption and power density in a co-flow planar SOFC
HB Moussa, B Zitouni, K Oulmi, B Mahmah, M Belhamel, P Mandin
International journal of hydrogen energy 34 (11), 5022-5031, 2009
Synthesis and characterization of microporous granular activated carbon from Silver berry seeds using ZnCl2 activation
F Benmahdi, K Oulmi, S Khettaf, M Kolli, O Merdrignac-Conanec, ...
Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 29 (9), 657-669, 2021
Nanostructured Ni based anode and cathode for alkaline water electrolyzers
F Ganci, T Baguet, G Aiello, V Cusumano, P Mandin, C Sunseri, ...
Energies 12 (19), 3669, 2019
Ni alloy nanowires as high efficiency electrode materials for alkaline electrolysers
F Ganci, B Patella, E Cannata, V Cusumano, G Aiello, C Sunseri, ...
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 46 (72), 35777-35789, 2021
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Articles 1–20