Thomas Noll
Cited by
Cited by
Safety, dependability and performance analysis of extended AADL models
M Bozzano, A Cimatti, JP Katoen, VY Nguyen, T Noll, M Roveri
The Computer Journal 54 (5), 754-775, 2011
The COMPASS approach: Correctness, modelling and performability of aerospace systems
M Bozzano, A Cimatti, JP Katoen, VY Nguyen, T Noll, M Roveri
Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security: 28th International Conference …, 2009
Spacecraft early design validation using formal methods
M Bozzano, A Cimatti, JP Katoen, P Katsaros, K Mokos, VY Nguyen, ...
Reliability engineering & system safety 132, 20-35, 2014
A model checker for AADL
M Bozzano, A Cimatti, JP Katoen, VY Nguyen, T Noll, M Roveri, ...
Computer Aided Verification: 22nd International Conference, CAV 2010 …, 2010
A verification tool for Erlang
LÅ Fredlund, D Gurov, T Noll, M Dam, T Arts, G Chugunov
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 4, 405-420, 2003
Formal verification and validation of AADL models
M Bozzano, R Cavada, A Cimatti, JP Katoen, V Nguyen, T Noll, X Olive
ERTS2 2010, Embedded Real Time Software & Systems, 2010
Reduction of interrupt handler executions for model checking embedded software
B Schlich, T Noll, J Brauer, L Brutschy
Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing: 5th International Haifa …, 2011
Abstraction and model checking of Core Erlang programs in Maude
M Neuhäußer, T Noll
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 176 (4), 147-163, 2007
Delayed nondeterminism in model checking embedded systems assembly code
T Noll, B Schlich
Haifa Verification Conference, 185-201, 2007
IC3 software model checking on control flow automata
T Lange, MR Neuhauber, T Noll
2015 Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD), 97-104, 2015
Codesign of dependable systems: a component-based modeling language
M Bozzano, A Cimatti, M Roveri, JP Katoen, VY Nguyen, T Noll
2009 7th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for …, 2009
Juggrnaut: Graph grammar abstraction for unbounded heap structures
J Heinen, T Noll, S Rieger
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 266, 93-107, 2010
Speeding up the safety verification of programmable logic controller code
T Lange, MR Neuhäußer, T Noll
Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing: 9th International Haifa …, 2013
Interval analysis of microcontroller code using abstract interpretation of hardware and software
J Brauer, T Noll, B Schlich
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Software & Compilers for …, 2010
Abstracting complex data structures by hyperedge replacement
S Rieger, T Noll
International Conference on Graph Transformation, 69-83, 2008
A review of statistical model checking pitfalls on real-time stochastic models
D Bohlender, H Bruintjes, S Junges, J Katelaan, VY Nguyen, T Noll
Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation …, 2014
A local Greibach normal form for hyperedge replacement grammars
C Jansen, J Heinen, JP Katoen, T Noll
Language and Automata Theory and Applications: 5th International Conference …, 2011
Truth—a verification platform for concurrent systems
M Lange, M Leucker, T Noll, S Tobies
Tool Support for System Specification, Development and Verification, 150-159, 1998
Safety, dependability and performance analysis of aerospace systems
T Noll
International Workshop on Formal Techniques for Safety-Critical Systems, 17-31, 2014
Truth/SLC—A parallel verification platform for concurrent systems
M Leucker, T Noll
Computer Aided Verification: 13th International Conference, CAV 2001 Paris …, 2001
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Articles 1–20