Daniele Andronico
Daniele Andronico
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A multi-disciplinary study of the 2002–03 Etna eruption: insights into a complex plumbing system
D Andronico, S Branca, S Calvari, M Burton, T Caltabiano, RA Corsaro, ...
Bulletin of Volcanology 67, 314-330, 2005
2001 flank eruption of the alkali-and volatile-rich primitive basalt responsible for Mount Etna's evolution in the last three decades
N Métrich, P Allard, N Spilliaert, D Andronico, M Burton
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 228 (1-2), 1-17, 2004
Chronology and complex volcanic processes during the 2002–2003 flank eruption at Stromboli volcano (Italy) reconstructed from direct observations and surveys with a handheld …
S Calvari, L Spampinato, L Lodato, AJL Harris, MR Patrick, J Dehn, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 110 (B2), 2005
Developing an event tree for probabilistic hazard and risk assessment at Vesuvius
A Neri, WP Aspinall, R Cioni, A Bertagnini, PJ Baxter, G Zuccaro, ...
Journal of volcanology and geothermal research 178 (3), 397-415, 2008
Relationship between tremor and volcanic activity during the Southeast Crater eruption on Mount Etna in early 2000
S Alparone, D Andronico, L Lodato, T Sgroi
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 108 (B5), 2003
Explosive activity and eruption scenarios at Somma-Vesuvius (Italy): towards a new classification scheme
R Cioni, A Bertagnini, R Santacroce, D Andronico
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 178 (3), 331-346, 2008
Coupled textural and compositional characterization of basaltic scoria: Insights into the transition from Strombolian to fire fountain activity at Mount Etna, Italy
M Polacci, RA Corsaro, D Andronico
Geology 34 (3), 201-204, 2006
Etna 2004–2005: An archetype for geodynamically‐controlled effusive eruptions
MR Burton, M Neri, D Andronico, S Branca, T Caltabiano, S Calvari, ...
Geophysical research letters 32 (9), 2005
Contrasting styles of Mount Vesuvius activity in the period between the Avellino and Pompeii Plinian eruptions, and some implications for assessment of future hazards
D Andronico, R Cioni
Bulletin of Volcanology 64, 372-391, 2002
Assessing pyroclastic fall hazard through field data and numerical simulations: example from Vesuvius
R Cioni, A Longo, G Macedonio, R Santacroce, A Sbrana, R Sulpizio, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 108 (B2), 2003
The 4–5 September 2007 lava fountain at south-east crater of Mt Etna, Italy
D Andronico, A Cristaldi, S Scollo
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 173 (3-4), 325-328, 2008
Geological map of Somma-Vesuvius volcano
D Andronico, G Calderoni, R Cioni, A Sbrana, R Sulpizio, R Santacroce
Periodico di Mineralogia 64 (1-2), 77-78, 1995
The 2002–03 Etna explosive activity: Tephra dispersal and features of the deposits
D Andronico, S Scollo, S Caruso, A Cristaldi
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 113 (B4), 2008
Quantitative assessment of volcanic ash hazards for health and infrastructure at Mt. Etna (Italy) by numerical simulation
S Barsotti, D Andronico, A Neri, P Del Carlo, PJ Baxter, WP Aspinall, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 192 (1-2), 85-96, 2010
Analysis of the 2001 lava flow eruption of Mt. Etna from three‐dimensional mapping
M Coltelli, C Proietti, S Branca, M Marsella, D Andronico, L Lodato
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 112 (F2), 2007
Aggregation-dominated ash settling from the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic cloud illuminated by field and laboratory high-speed imaging
J Taddeucci, P Scarlato, C Montanaro, C Cimarelli, E Del Bello, C Freda, ...
Geology 39 (9), 891-894, 2011
Monitoring the December 2015 summit eruptions of Mt. Etna (Italy): Implications on eruptive dynamics
RA Corsaro, D Andronico, B Behncke, S Branca, T Caltabiano, F Ciancitto, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 341, 53-69, 2017
Possible impacts of volcanic ash emissions of Mount Etna on the primary productivity in the oligotrophic Mediterranean Sea: Results from nutrient-release experiments in seawater
N Olgun, S Duggen, D Andronico, S Kutterolf, PL Croot, S Giammanco, ...
Marine chemistry 152, 32-42, 2013
Lava fountains during the episodic eruption of South–East Crater (Mt. Etna), 2000: insights into magma-gas dynamics within the shallow volcano plumbing system
D Andronico, RA Corsaro
Bulletin of Volcanology 73, 1165-1178, 2011
Shifting styles of basaltic explosive activity during the 2002–03 eruption of Mt. Etna, Italy
D Andronico, A Cristaldi, P Del Carlo, J Taddeucci
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 180 (2-4), 110-122, 2009
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Articoli 1–20