Rachele Lamioni PhD
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Propagation of premixed flames in the presence of Darrieus–Landau and thermal diffusive instabilities
F Creta, PE Lapenna, R Lamioni, N Fogla, M Matalon
Combustion and Flame 216, 256-270, 2020
Interplay of Darrieus-Landau instability and weak turbulence in premixed flame propagation
F Creta, R Lamioni, PE Lapenna, G Troiani
Physical Review E 94 (5), 053102, 2016
The effect of pressure on the hydrodynamic stability limit of premixed flames
A Attili, R Lamioni, L Berger, K Kleinheinz, PE Lapenna, H Pitsch, F Creta
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2), 1973-1981, 2021
Modeling the equations of state using a flamelet approach in LRE-like conditions
PE Lapenna, G Indelicato, R Lamioni, F Creta
Acta Astronautica 158, 460-469, 2019
Large scale effects in weakly turbulent premixed flames
PE Lapenna, R Lamioni, G Troiani, F Creta
Proceedings of the combustion institute 37 (2), 1945-1952, 2019
Subgrid modeling of intrinsic instabilities in premixed flame propagation
PE Lapenna, R Lamioni, F Creta
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2), 2001-2011, 2021
Flashback of H2-enriched premixed flames in perforated burners: Numerical prediction of critical velocity
F Fruzza, R Lamioni, L Tognotti, C Galletti
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 48 (81), 31790-31801, 2023
Feeding H2-admixtures to domestic condensing boilers: Numerical simulations of combustion and pollutant formation in multi-hole burners
R Lamioni, C Bronzoni, M Folli, L Tognotti, C Galletti
Applied Energy 309, 118379, 2022
Flame induced flow features in the presence of Darrieus-Landau instability
R Lamioni, PE Lapenna, G Troiani, F Creta
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 101 (4), 1137-1155, 2018
Strain rates, flow patterns and flame surface densities in hydrodynamically unstable, weakly turbulent premixed flames
R Lamioni, PE Lapenna, G Troiani, F Creta
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37 (2), 1815-1822, 2019
Impact of H2-enriched natural gas on pollutant emissions from domestic condensing boilers: Numerical simulations of the combustion chamber
R Lamioni, C Bronzoni, M Folli, L Tognotti, C Galletti
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 48 (51), 19686-19699, 2023
Data-driven subfilter modelling of thermo-diffusively unstable hydrogen–air premixed flames
PE Lapenna, L Berger, A Attili, R Lamioni, N Fogla, H Pitsch, F Creta
Combustion Theory and Modelling 25 (6), 1064-1085, 2021
Mitigation of Darrieus–Landau instability effects on turbulent premixed flames
PE Lapenna, G Troiani, R Lamioni, F Creta
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2), 2885-2892, 2021
Pressure-induced hydrodynamic instability in premixed methane-air slot flames
R Lamioni, PE Lapenna, L Berger, K Kleinheinz, A Attili, H Pitsch, F Creta
Combustion Science and Technology 192 (11), 1998-2009, 2020
Low-mach number simulations of transcritical flows
PE Lapenna, R Lamioni, PP Ciottoli, F Creta
2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 0346, 2018
Modeling ammonia-hydrogen-air combustion and emission characteristics of a generic swirl burner
L Mazzotta, R Lamioni, F D'Alessio, R Meloni, S Morris, B Goktepe, ...
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 146 (9), 091022, 2024
Effect of slit pattern on the structure of premixed flames issuing from perforated burners in domestic condensing boilers
R Lamioni, C Bronzoni, M Folli, L Tognotti, C Galletti
Combustion Theory and Modelling, 1-26, 2022
Flashback propensity due to hydrogen blending in natural gas: Sensitivity to operating and geometrical parameters
F Fruzza, R Lamioni, A Mariotti, MV Salvetti, C Galletti
Fuel 362, 130838, 2024
Self-wrinkling induced by Darrieus-Landau instability in turbulent premixed Bunsen flames from low to moderately high Reynolds numbers
G Troiani, PE Lapenna, R Lamioni, F Creta
Physical Review Fluids 7 (5), 053202, 2022
Chemical Reactor Network modeling of ammonia–hydrogen combustion in a gas turbine: stochastic sensitivity analysis
R Lamioni, A Mariotti, MV Salvetti, C Galletti
Applied Thermal Engineering 244, 122734, 2024
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