Birger Dittrich
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Cited by
ShelXle: a Qt graphical user interface for SHELXL
CB Hübschle, GM Sheldrick, B Dittrich
Journal of applied crystallography 44 (6), 1281-1284, 2011
Hirshfeld atom refinement
SC Capelli, HB Bürgi, B Dittrich, S Grabowsky, D Jayatilaka
IUCrJ 1 (5), 361-379, 2014
Enhanced rigid-bond restraints
A Thorn, B Dittrich, GM Sheldrick
Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography 68 (4), 448-451, 2012
Plasmonic twinned silver nanoparticles with molecular precision
H Yang, Y Wang, X Chen, X Zhao, L Gu, H Huang, J Yan, C Xu, G Li, J Wu, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 12809, 2016
Geometric Complementarity in Assembly and Guest Recognition of a Bent Heteroleptic cis-[Pd2LA2LB2] Coordination Cage
WM Bloch, Y Abe, JJ Holstein, CM Wandtke, B Dittrich, GH Clever
Journal of the American Chemical Society 138 (41), 13750-13755, 2016
A simple approach to nonspherical electron densities by using invarioms
B Dittrich, T Koritsánszky, P Luger
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 43 (20), 2718-2721, 2004
X-ray structure refinement using aspherical atomic density functions obtained from quantum-mechanical calculations
D Jayatilaka, B Dittrich
Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography 64 (3), 383-393, 2008
Stepwise Halide‐Triggered Double and Triple Catenation of Self‐Assembled Coordination Cages
R Zhu, J Lübben, B Dittrich, GH Clever
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54 (9), 2796-2800, 2015
Triggered exchange of anionic for neutral guests inside a cationic coordination cage
S Löffler, J Lübben, L Krause, D Stalke, B Dittrich, GH Clever
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (3), 1060-1063, 2015
Intra-and intermolecular topological properties of amino acids: A comparative study of experimental and theoretical results
R Flaig, T Koritsanszky, B Dittrich, A Wagner, P Luger
Journal of the American Chemical Society 124 (13), 3407-3417, 2002
MoleCoolQt–a molecule viewer for charge-density research
CB Hübschle, B Dittrich
Journal of Applied Crystallography 44 (1), 238-240, 2011
The Generalized Invariom Database (GID)
B Dittrich, CB Hübschle, K Pröpper, F Dietrich, T Stolper, JJ Holstein, ...
Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering …, 2013
The invariom model and its application: refinement of D, L-serine at different temperatures and resolution
B Dittrich, CB Hübschle, M Messerschmidt, R Kalinowski, D Girnt, P Luger
Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography 61 (3), 314-320, 2005
Introduction and validation of an invariom database for amino-acid, peptide and protein molecules
B Dittrich, CB Hübschle, P Luger, MA Spackman
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 62 (11), 1325-1335, 2006
Quantum crystallography: Current developments and future perspectives
A Genoni, L Bučinský, N Claiser, J Contreras‐García, B Dittrich, ...
Chemistry–A European Journal 24 (43), 10881-10905, 2018
C4 Cumulene and the Corresponding Air‐Stable Radical Cation and Dication
Y Li, KC Mondal, PP Samuel, H Zhu, CM Orben, S Panneerselvam, ...
Angewandte Chemie 126 (16), 4252-4256, 2014
Synthesis of [n,5]-Spiroketals by Ring Enlargement of Donor-Acceptor-Substituted Cyclopropane Derivatives
C Brand, G Rauch, M Zanoni, B Dittrich, DB Werz
The Journal of Organic Chemistry 74 (22), 8779-8786, 2009
Epicoccolides: Antimicrobial and Antifungal Polyketides from an Endophytic Fungus Epicoccum sp. Associated with Theobroma cacao
FM Talontsi, B Dittrich, A Schüffler, H Sun, H Laatsch
European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2013 (15), 3174-3180, 2013
Automation of invariom and of experimental charge density modelling of organic molecules with the preprocessor program InvariomTool
CB Hübschle, P Luger, B Dittrich
Journal of Applied Crystallography 40 (3), 623-627, 2007
A Dimer of Silaisonitrile with Two‐Coordinate Silicon Atoms
RS Ghadwal, HW Roesky, K Pröpper, B Dittrich, S Klein, G Frenking
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 23 (50), 5374-5378, 2011
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Articles 1–20