Marie Griffin
Marie Griffin
Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Arizona State University
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The impact of distributive and procedural justice on correctional staff job stress, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment
EG Lambert, NL Hogan, ML Griffin
Journal of criminal justice 35 (6), 644-656, 2007
Job involvement, job stress, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment and the burnout of correctional staff
ML Griffin, NL Hogan, EG Lambert, KA Tucker-Gail, DN Baker
Criminal Justice and behavior 37 (2), 239-255, 2010
Does the job matter? Comparing correlates of stress among treatment and correctional staff in prisons
GS Armstrong, ML Griffin
Journal of criminal justice 32 (6), 577-592, 2004
The effect of gang affiliation on violent misconduct among inmates during the early years of confinement
ML Griffin, JR Hepburn
Criminal Justice and Behavior 33 (4), 419-466, 2006
Job satisfaction among detention officers: Assessing the relative contribution of organizational climate variables
ML Griffin
Journal of Criminal Justice 29 (3), 219-232, 2001
Gender and stress: A comparative assessment of sources of stress among correctional officers
ML Griffin
Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 22 (1), 5-25, 2006
Side-bets and reciprocity as determinants of organizational commitment among correctional officers
ML Griffin, JR Hepburn
Journal of criminal justice 33 (6), 611-625, 2005
Being the Good Soldier: Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Commitment Among Correctional Staff
EG Lambert, NL Hogan, ML Griffin
Criminal Justice and Behavior 35 (1), 56-68, 2008
Doing “people work” in the prison setting: An examination of the job characteristics model and correctional staff burnout
ML Griffin, NL Hogan, EG Lambert
Criminal justice and behavior 39 (9), 1131-1147, 2012
The effect of local life circumstances on female probationers' offending
ML Griffin, GS Armstrong
Justice Quarterly 20 (2), 213-239, 2003
The effect of importation and deprivation factors on violent misconduct: An examination of Black and Latino youth in prison
M Tasca, ML Griffin, N Rodriguez
Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 8 (3), 234-249, 2010
Career Stage Theory and Turnover Intent among Correctional Officers
ML Griffin, NL Hogan, EG Lambert
Criminal Justice and Behavior 41 (1), 4-19, 2014
The effect of social bonds on successful adjustment to probation: An event history analysis
JR Hepburn, ML Griffin
Criminal Justice Review 29 (1), 46-75, 2004
The correctional staff burnout literature
EG Lambert, NL Hogan, ML Griffin, T Kelley
Criminal Justice Studies 28 (4), 397-443, 2015
The influence of professional orientation on detention officers' attitudes toward the use of force
ML Griffin
Criminal Justice and Behavior 29 (3), 250-277, 2002
The ties that bind: Organizational commitment and its effect on correctional orientation, absenteeism, and turnover intent
EG Lambert, ML Griffin, NL Hogan, T Kelley
The Prison Journal 95 (1), 135-156, 2015
Loyalty, love, and investments: The impact of job outcomes on the organizational commitment of correctional staff
NL Hogan, EG Lambert, ML Griffin
Criminal justice and behavior 40 (4), 355-375, 2013
Inmate misconduct and the institutional capacity for control
ML Griffin, JR Hepburn
Criminal Justice and Behavior 40 (3), 270-288, 2013
Correctional officers’ perceptions of equitable treatment in the masculinized prison environment
ML Griffin, GS Armstrong, JR Hepburn
Criminal Justice Review 30 (2), 189-206, 2005
The influence of organizational climate on detention officers' readiness to use force in a county jail
ML Griffin
Criminal Justice Review 24 (1), 1-26, 1999
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Articles 1–20