elena sanchez
elena sanchez
Profesor Matematica aplicada (UPV)
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Structural properties of positive linear time-invariant difference-algebraic equations
R Bru, C Coll, E Sánchez
Linear Algebra and its Applications 349 (1-3), 1-10, 2002
Estimation of parameters in a structured SIR model
B Cantó, C Coll, E Sánchez
Advances in Difference Equations 2017, 1-13, 2017
Some problems about structural properties of positive descriptor systems
R Bru, C Coll, S Romero-Vivo, E Sánchez
Positive Systems: Proceedings of the First Multidisciplinary International …, 2003
Canonical forms for positive discrete-time linear control systems
R Bru, S Romero, E Sánchez
Linear Algebra and its Applications 310 (1-3), 49-71, 2000
About positively discrete-time singular systems
R Bru, C Coll, E Sanchez
System and Control: Theory and Applications, World Scientific and …, 2000
Positive solutions of a discrete-time descriptor system
B Cantó, C Coll, E Sánchez
International Journal of Systems Science 39 (1), 81-88, 2008
Positive N-periodic descriptor control systems
B Cantó, C Coll, E Sánchez
Systems & Control Letters 53 (5), 407-414, 2004
Identifiability for a class of discretized linear partial differential algebraic equations
B Canto, C Coll, E Sánchez
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2011 (1), 510519, 2011
Reachability indices of positive linear systems
R Bru, C Coll, S Romero, E Sanchez
The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 11, 88-102, 2004
Minimal realizations for discrete-time linear periodic systems
E Sánchez, V Hernández, R Bru
Linear algebra and its applications 162, 685-708, 1992
Discrete-time linear periodic realization in the frequency domain
C Coll, R Bru, E Sánchez, V Hernández
Linear algebra and its applications 203, 301-326, 1994
Geometrical conditions for the reachability and realizability of positive periodic discrete systems
R Bru, C Coll, V Hernández, E Sánchez
Linear Algebra and its Applications 256, 109-124, 1997
A dynamic model for a study of diabetes
C Coll, A Herrero, E Sánchez, N Thome
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 50 (5-6), 713-716, 2009
Reachability and observability indices of a discrete-time periodic descriptor system
C Coll, MJ Fullana, E Sánchez
Applied Mathematics and Computation 153 (2), 485-496, 2004
Reachability indices of periodic positive systems via positive shift-similarity
R Bru, S Romero-Vivó, E Sánchez
Linear Algebra and Its Applications 429 (5-6), 1288-1301, 2008
Output feedback stabilization for symmetric control systems
C Coll, A Herrero, E Sánchez, N Thome
Journal of the Franklin Institute 342 (7), 814-823, 2005
A study on vaccination models for a seasonal epidemic process
B Cantó, C Coll, E Sánchez
Applied Mathematics and Computation 243, 152-160, 2014
The discrete fractional order difference applied to an epidemic model with indirect transmission
C Coll, A Herrero, D Ginestar, E Sánchez
Applied Mathematical Modelling 103, 636-648, 2022
Some invariants of discrete-time descriptor systems
C Coll, MJ Fullana, E Sánchez
Applied Mathematics and Computation 127 (2-3), 277-287, 2002
Recent developments in reachability and controllability of positive linear systems
R Bru, L Caccetta, S Romero, V Rumchev, E Sanchez
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 35 (1), 35-46, 2002
Il sistema al momento non puň eseguire l'operazione. Riprova piů tardi.
Articoli 1–20