Laura Menatti
Laura Menatti
Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, KLI-Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research
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Landscape and Health: Connecting Psychology, Aesthetics, and Philosophy through the Concept of Affordance
L Menatti, A Casado da Rocha
Frontiers in psychology 7, 571, 2016
Place attachment and identification as predictors of expected landscape restorativeness
L Menatti, M Subiza-Pérez, A Villalpando-Flores, L Vozmediano, ...
Journal of environmental psychology 63, 36-43, 2019
Landscape: from common good to human right
L Menatti
International Journal of the Commons 11 (2), 2017
Health and environment from adaptation to adaptivity: a situated relational account
L Menatti, L Bich, C Saborido
History and philosophy of the life sciences 44 (3), 1-28, 2022
Landscape as a common good: a philosophical and epistemological analysis
L Menatti
Q. Care 6, 40-42, 2014
Changing perspectives on landscape perception: Seeking common ground between the psychological sciences and the humanities
L Menatti, H Heft
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 159, 2020
From non-place to rhizome: A geophilosophical analysis of contemporary globalized space
L Menatti
Environment, Space, Place 3 (2), 22-50, 2011
Which identity for the place? A geophilosophical approach
L Menatti
Inculturalism: Meaning and identity, 221-231, 2013
A Rhizome of landscape: a geophilosophical perspective about contemporary global spaces
L Menatti
Towards a new baseline for education in a changing world. Landscape and …, 2013
Affordances y ciencia cognitiva: Introducción, teoría y aplicaciones
GA de Gregorio, SA López, MG Bedia, P Calvo, ÁD García, MG Vargas, ...
Tecnos, 2022
Inmanencia y trascendencia.
L Menatti
Geophilosophy: a new approach to the study of nature and landscape
L Menatti
E. Chudoba and K. Wilkoszewska (Krakow: Libron), 13-22, 2015
Parlare di paesaggio tra locale e globale
L Menatti
Dipartimento di Lettere, Arti, Storia e Società, 2013
What does right to landscape mean? An analysis through the concept of commons
L Menatti
Defining Landscape Democracy, Proceedings, ed. S. Egoz (Oslo: Norwegian …, 2015
Adapting to Heatwaves: Reframing, Understanding, and Translating Strategies from India to the EU
L Menatti, AK Brenner, J Chanam, M Knickel, H Sridhar, C Bunce
Strengthening European Climate Policy: Governance Recommendations from …, 2024
Pollution Is Colonialism: by Max Liboiron, Durham, NC, Duke University Press, 2021, 216 pp., pb, contains 10 illustrations; $25.99, Paper ISBN: 978-1-4780-1413-3/Cloth ISBN …
L Menatti, E Waterton, R ʻAnolani Alegado, tebrakunna country, E Lee, ...
Landscape Research 49 (3), 445-456, 2024
Pollution Is Colonialism Pollution Is Colonialism, by MaxLiboiron, Durham, NC, Duke University Press, 2021, 216 pp., pb, contains 10 illustrations; $25.99, Paper ISBN: 978-1 …
L Menatti, E Waterton, E Lee, ND Smiles, T Waterman, M Liboiron
Landscape Research 49 (3), 445-456, 2024
The role of green areas for the well-being of university community: perceptions and possibilities for a more sustainable campus
MV Moreno, L Menatti, BF de Manuel, IA Arregi, LP López
Socioecos 2024. Conference Proceedings June 6-7, 2024: climate change …, 2024
Medicine, healthcare and the environment: from the salutogenic approach towards the salutogenic environments.
L Menatti
Has social distancing increased our relationships and sense of being connected?: Results from a study conducted in Italy, France and Spain during the first COVID-19 lockdown.
L Menatti, M Ranzini
Psychology Hub 40 (1), 37-48, 2023
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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