Anqing Duan
Anqing Duan
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Reactive human–robot collaborative manipulation of deformable linear objects using a new topological latent control model
P Zhou, P Zheng, J Qi, C Li, HY Lee, A Duan, L Lu, Z Li, L Hu, ...
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 88, 102727, 2024
Neural reactive path planning with Riemannian motion policies for robotic silicone sealing
P Zhou, P Zheng, J Qi, C Li, A Duan, M Xu, V Wu, D Navarro-Alarcon
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 81, 102518, 2023
Imitating tool-based garment folding from a single visual observation using hand-object graph dynamics
P Zhou, J Qi, A Duan, S Huo, Z Wu, D Navarro-Alarcon
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2024
Keypoint-based planar bimanual shaping of deformable linear objects under environmental constraints with hierarchical action framework
S Huo, A Duan, C Li, P Zhou, W Ma, H Wang, D Navarro-Alarcon
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (2), 5222-5229, 2022
A bio-inspired mechanism for learning robot motion from mirrored human demonstrations
O Zahra, S Tolu, P Zhou, A Duan, D Navarro-Alarcon
Frontiers in neurorobotics 16, 826410, 2022
Ultrasound-guided assistive robots for scoliosis assessment with optimization-based control and variable impedance
A Duan, M Victorova, J Zhao, Y Sun, Y Zheng, D Navarro-Alarcon
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (3), 8106-8113, 2022
Constrained DMPs for feasible skill learning on humanoid robots
A Duan, R Camoriano, D Ferigo, D Calandriello, L Rosasco, D Pucci
2018 IEEE-RAS 18th International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), 1-6, 2018
A multisensor interface to improve the learning experience in arc welding training tasks
HY Lee, P Zhou, A Duan, J Wang, V Wu, D Navarro-Alarcon
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 53 (3), 619-628, 2023
Learning to avoid obstacles with minimal intervention control
A Duan, R Camoriano, D Ferigo, Y Huang, D Calandriello, L Rosasco, ...
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 7, 60, 2020
Human-Robot Collaboration for Reactive Deformable Linear Object Manipulation Using Topological Latent Control Model
P Zhou, P Zheng, J Qi, C Li, HY Lee, A Duan, L Lu, Z Li, L Hu, ...
Available at SSRN 4432733, 0
Keypoint-based bimanual shaping of deformable linear objects under environmental constraints using hierarchical action planning
S Huo, A Duan, C Li, P Zhou, W Ma, D Navarro-Alarcon
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.08962, 2021
A structured prediction approach for robot imitation learning
A Duan, I Batzianoulis, R Camoriano, L Rosasco, D Pucci, A Billard
The International Journal of Robotics Research, 02783649231204656, 2023
Paint with the sun: A thermal-vision guided robot to harness solar energy for heliography
L Hu, A Duan, M Li, A Cherubini, L Li, D Navarro-Alarcon
IEEE Sensors Journal 22 (18), 18130-18142, 2022
Learning to sequence multiple tasks with competing constraints
A Duan, R Camoriano, D Ferigo, Y Huang, D Calandriello, L Rosasco, ...
2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2019
Fourier-based multi-agent formation control to track evolving closed boundaries
B Zhang, H Zhi, JG Romero, L Labazanova, A Duan, X Li, ...
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2023
A geometric programming approach to the optimization of mechatronic systems in early design stages
Y Li, A Duan, A Gratner, L Feng
2016 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM …, 2016
A Distributed Dynamic Framework to Allocate Collaborative Tasks Based on Capability Matching in Heterogeneous Multirobot Systems
HY Lee, P Zhou, B Zhang, L Qiu, B Fan, A Duan, J Tang, TL Lam, ...
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems 16 (1), 251-265, 2023
2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
A Duan, R Camoriano, D Ferigo, Y Huang, D Calandriello, L Rosasco
Learning cloth folding tasks with refined flow based spatio-temporal graphs
P Zhou, O Zahra, A Duan, S Huo, Z Wu, D Navarro-Alarcon
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.08620, 2021
Robust grasping by bimanual robots with stable parameterization-based contact servoing
A Duan, S Huo, HY Lee, P Zhou, JG Romero, C Yang, D Navarro-Alarcon
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2024
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