Edoardo Fiorillo
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A flexible unmanned aerial vehicle for precision agriculture
J Primicerio, SF Di Gennaro, E Fiorillo, L Genesio, E Lugato, A Matese, ...
Precision Agriculture 13 (4), 517-523, 2012
Airborne high‐resolution images for grape classification: changes in correlation between technological and late maturity in a Sangiovese vineyard in Central Italy
E Fiorillo, A Crisci, T De Filippis, SF Di Gennaro, S Di Blasi, A Matese, ...
Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 18 (1), 80-90, 2012
Lowland rice mapping in Sédhiou region (Senegal) using sentinel 1 and sentinel 2 data and random forest
E Fiorillo, E Di Giuseppe, G Fontanelli, F Maselli
Remote Sensing 12 (20), 3403, 2020
Recent changes of floods and related impacts in Niger based on the ANADIA Niger flood database
E Fiorillo, A Crisci, H Issa, G Maracchi, M Morabito, V Tarchiani
Climate 6 (3), 59, 2018
Analysis of land degradation processes on a tiger bush plateau in South West Niger using MODIS and LANDSAT TM/ETM+ data
E Fiorillo, F Maselli, V Tarchiani, P Vignaroli
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 62, 56-68, 2017
Development and application of an autonomous and flexible unmanned aerial vehicle for precision viticulture
A Matese, J Primicerio, F Di Gennaro, E Fiorillo, FP Vaccari, L Genesio
I International Workshop on Vineyard Mechanization and Grape and Wine …, 2012
La riziculture de bas-fond au sud du Sénégal (Moyenne Casamance): enjeux et perspectives pour la pérennisation des actions de réhabilitation et de mise en valeur
M Manzelli, E Fiorillo, M Bacci, V Tarchiani
Cahiers Agricultures 24 (5), 301-312, 2015
Recent changes in hydroclimatic patterns over medium Niger River Basins at the origin of the 2020 flood in Niamey (Niger)
G Massazza, M Bacci, L Descroix, MH Ibrahim, E Fiorillo, GL Katiellou, ...
Water 13 (12), 1659, 2021
An integrated approach to estimate how much urban afforestation can contribute to move towards carbon neutrality
L Brilli, F Carotenuto, M Chiesi, E Fiorillo, L Genesio, R Magno, ...
Science of The Total Environment 842, 156843, 2022
Influence of canopy management practices on vineyard microclimate: definition of new microclimatic indices
A Matese, A Crisci, FS Di Gennaro, E Fiorillo, J Primicerio, P Toscano, ...
American journal of enology and viticulture 63 (3), 424-430, 2012
Diurnal outdoor thermal comfort mapping through envi-met simulations, remotely sensed and in situ measurements
E Fiorillo, L Brilli, F Carotenuto, L Cremonini, B Gioli, T Giordano, ...
Atmosphere 14 (4), 641, 2023
Lowland rice production in southern Senegal (Middle Casamance): challenges and prospects for sustaining their restoration and development.
M Manzelli, E Fiorillo, M Bacci, V Tarchiani
A webgis application for precision viticulture: from research to operative practices
T De Filippis, L Rocchi, E Fiorillo, L Genesio
Proc. WebMGS 2010: 1st International Workshop on Pervasive Web Mapping …, 2010
Mapping daytime thermal patterns of Bologna municipality (Italy) during a heatwave: A new methodology for cities adaptation to global climate change
M Nardino, L Cremonini, A Crisci, T Georgiadis, G Guerri, M Morabito, ...
Urban Climate 46, 101317, 2022
Diagnostique de la riziculture de bas-fonds dans la Région de Sédhiou
M Manzelli, M Bacci, E Fiorillo, V Tarchiani
Rapport, 2013
Mapping the spatial variability of vineyard canopy using high-resolution airborne multispectral images
E Fiorillo, L Genesio, F Maselli, T De Filippis, B Gioli, P Toscano
Proceedings of 16th International Symposium GiESCO. Group of International …, 2009
A simplified hydrological method for flood risk assessment at sub-basin level in Niger
E Fiorillo, V Tarchiani
Renewing Local Planning to Face Climate Change in the Tropics, 247, 2017
La riziculture traditionnelle de bas-fond en Moyenne Casamance dans un contexte de changements globaux: enjeux et perspectives
M Manzelli, I Seppoloni, E Zucchini, M Bacci, E Fiorillo, V Tarchiani
Eaux et sociétés face au changement climatique dans le bassin de la …, 2015
SmartVineyard: An open source web-GIS application for precision viticulture
T De Filippis, L Rocchi, E Fiorillo, A Matese, F Di Gennaro, L Genesio
I International Workshop on Vineyard Mechanization and Grape and Wine …, 2012
GIS-based multi-criteria territorial suitability assessment for insect farms: a case study for North Italy
E Fiorillo, L Maistrello, C Chieco
Journal of Insects as Food and Feed 9 (4), 441-456, 2023
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