Edion Tego
Edion Tego
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Cited by
Unveiling network and service performance degradation in the wild with mplane
P Casas, P Fiadino, S Wassermann, S Traverso, A D'Alconzo, E Tego, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 54 (3), 71-79, 2016
Exploiting hybrid measurements for network troubleshooting
S Traverso, E Tego, E Kowallik, S Raffaglio, A Fregosi, M Mellia, F Matera
2014 16th International Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning …, 2014
Quality of service management based on Software Defined Networking approach in wide GbE networks
E Tego, F Matera, V Attanasio, D Del Buono
2014 Euro Med Telco Conference (EMTC), 1-5, 2014
Facing the reality: validation of energy saving mechanisms on a testbed
E Tego, F Idzikowski, L Chiaraviglio, A Coiro, F Matera
Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2014 (1), 806960, 2014
Multilevel bandwidth measurements and capacity exploitation in gigabit passive optical networks
A Rufini, M Mellia, E Tego, F Matera
IET Communications 8 (18), 3357-3365, 2014
A measurement plane to monitor and manage QoS in optical access networks
E Tego, F Matera, V Attanasio, E Nastri
2017 International Workshop on Fiber Optics in Access Network (FOAN), 1-5, 2017
Quality of Service monitoring adopting correlation among active and passive measurements: The experience from the FP7 mPlane project
M Mellia, S Traverso, E Tego, A Rufini, A Valenti, F Matera, M Scarpino, ...
2016 17th International Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning …, 2016
Bandwidth measurements and capacity exploitation in gigabit passive optical networks
A Rufini, E Tego, F Matera, M Mellia
2014 Fotonica AEIT Italian Conference on Photonics Technologies, 1-4, 2014
A measurement plane for optical networks to manage emergency events
E Tego, C Carciofi, P Grazioso, V Petrini, S Pompei, F Matera, V Attanasio, ...
Fiber and Integrated Optics 36 (6), 227-241, 2017
Experimental investigation on transmission control protocol throughput behavior in optical fiber access networks
E Tego, F Matera, D del Buono
Fiber and Integrated Optics 35 (2), 72-85, 2016
Multilevel QoS vs QoE measurements and verification of service level agreements
A Rufini, E Tego, F Matera
European Conference on Networks and Communications, 23-29, 2014
Machine learning for QoE and QoS control of slices in a wide area network test bed
F Matera, E Tego
2021 AEIT International Annual Conference (AEIT), 1-6, 2021
Experimental Verification on a Slicing Management Based on the mPlane Monitoring Plane With GPON Comparison
E Tego, F Matera, V Attanasio, E Nastri
Fiber and Integrated Optics 38 (5), 259-270, 2019
Correlation among QoE/QoS and Network Degradations for Automatic Performance Recovery in a Wide Area Network Test Bed
E Tego, F Matera
2019 10th International Conference on Networks of the Future (NoF), 118-121, 2019
Software defined networking experimental approach for energy saving in GbE networks
E Tego, F Matera, D Del Buono
2014 Fotonica AEIT Italian Conference on Photonics Technologies, 1-4, 2014
The TREND experimental activities on “green” communication networks
M Meo, Y Zhang, Y Hu, F Idzikowski, Ł Budzisz, F Ganji, I Haratcherev, ...
2013 24th Tyrrhenian International Workshop on Digital Communications-Green …, 2013
Software defined network approach driven by the mPlane measurement plane
E Tego, A Rufini, A Valenti, F Matera, M Mellia, S Traverso
AEIT International Conference, Capri (NA) October, 5-7, 2016
Design of the reasoner
P Casas, A D’Alconzo, M Dusi, S Nikitaki, M Ahmed, S Traverso, M Mellia, ...
D4 2 (06), 2014, 2014
Role of a Measurement Plane to Monitor and Manage QOS in Optical Access Networks
E Tego, F Matera, L Rea, E Nastri, V Attanasio
Fiber and Integrated Optics 37 (5), 239-255, 2018
GNS-3 Emulation Platform to Study Wide Area Network Performance in Contexts Close to Reality
E Tego, V Attanasio, F Matera
2022 AEIT International Annual Conference (AEIT), 1-6, 2022
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Articles 1–20