Niccolò Ragno
Niccolò Ragno
Research Fellow, University of Trento
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Effect of small tidal fluctuations on the stability and equilibrium configurations of bifurcations
N Ragno, N Tambroni, M Bolla Pittaluga
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 125 (8), e2020JF005584, 2020
Coupled morphodynamics of river bifurcations and confluences
N Ragno, M Redolfi, M Tubino
Water Resources Research 57 (1), e2020WR028515, 2021
Quasi‐Universal Length Scale of River Anabranches
N Ragno, M Redolfi, M Tubino
Geophysical Research Letters 49 (16), e2022GL099928, 2022
Competing feedback in an idealized tide-influenced delta network
N Ragno, N Tambroni, M Bolla Pittaluga
Environmental Fluid Mechanics 22 (2), 535-557, 2022
When and where do free bars in estuaries and tidal channels form?
N Ragno, N Tambroni, M Bolla Pittaluga
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 126 (10), e2021JF006196, 2021
Viewing second-order phase transitions as a metaphor for river bifurcations
N Ragno
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 974, A53, 2023
Modeling steady grain sorting in river bifurcations
N Ragno, M Redolfi, N Tambroni, M Tubino
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 128 (9), e2023JF007230, 2023
Evidences of permafrost signatures in the planform shape of Arctic meandering streams
N Ragno, R Bonanomi, M Crivellaro, M Tubino
Geophysical Research Letters 51 (17), e2024GL109410, 2024
The role of branch length on the evolutionary trajectory of channel loops
G Barile, N Ragno, M Tubino
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023 (2367), EP41D-2367, 2023
Theoretical sketches on fluvial and tidal morphodynamics
N Ragno
Università degli studi di Genova, 2023
Looking for permafrost signatures in Arctic streams: the case of meandering rivers
N Ragno, M Crivellaro, R Bonanomi, G Zolezzi, M Tubino, M Lamb
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-9776, 2023
Morphological exploration of Arctic rivers using Google Earth Engine
M Crivellaro, R Bonanomi, N Ragno, M Tubino, G Zolezzi, A Vitti
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-9966, 2023
The length of river anabranches: the fruit of chance or the result of a selective process?
N Ragno, M Redolfi, M Tubino
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, EP53A-01, 2022
Morphodynamic stability and characteristic length scales of bifurcations and confluences loops
N Ragno, M Redolfi, M Tubino
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-8017, 2021
Morphodynamic equilibrium of tidal bifurcations
N Ragno, M Bolla Pittaluga, N Tambroni
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2690, 2020
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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