Eric Lambert
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Cited by
The impact of job satisfaction on turnover intent: a test of a structural measurement model using a national sample of workers
EG Lambert, NL Hogan, SM Barton
The Social Science Journal 38 (2), 233-250, 2001
The impact of distributive and procedural justice on correctional staff job stress, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment
EG Lambert, NL Hogan, ML Griffin
Journal of criminal justice 35 (6), 644-656, 2007
Job involvement, job stress, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment and the burnout of correctional staff
ML Griffin, NL Hogan, EG Lambert, KA Tucker-Gail, DN Baker
Criminal Justice and behavior 37 (2), 239-255, 2010
The importance of job satisfaction and organizational commitment in shaping turnover intent: A test of a causal model
E Lambert, N Hogan
Criminal justice review 34 (1), 96-118, 2009
The impact of organizational justice on correctional staff
E Lambert
Journal of criminal justice 31 (2), 155-168, 2003
The impact of job characteristics on correctional staff members
EG Lambert
The Prison Journal 84 (2), 208-227, 2004
The influence of individual, job, and organizational characteristics on correctional staff job stress, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment
EG Lambert, EA Paoline
Criminal Justice Review 33 (4), 541-564, 2008
The relationship among distributive and procedural justice and correctional life satisfaction, burnout, and turnover intent: An exploratory study
EG Lambert, NL Hogan, S Jiang, OO Elechi, B Benjamin, A Morris, ...
Journal of Criminal justice 38 (1), 7-16, 2010
Social support's relationship to correctional staff job stress, job involvement, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment
EG Lambert, KI Minor, JB Wells, NL Hogan
The Social Science Journal 53 (1), 22-32, 2016
Satisfied correctional staff: A review of the literature on the correlates of correctional staff job satisfaction
EG Lambert, NL Hogan, SM Barton
Criminal justice and behavior 29 (2), 115-143, 2002
Collegiate academic dishonesty revisited: What have they done, how often have they done it, who does it, and why did they do it
EG Lambert, NL Hogan, SM Barton
Electronic journal of sociology 7 (4), 1-27, 2003
The effects of distributive and procedural justice on job satisfaction and organizational commitment ofcorrectional staff
EG Lambert, LD Keena, M Leone, D May, SH Haynes
The Social Science Journal 57 (4), 405-416, 2020
The impact of work–family conflict on correctional staff: A preliminary study
EG Lambert, NL Hogan, SD Camp, LA Ventura
Criminology & Criminal Justice 6 (4), 371-387, 2006
Exploring the relationship between social support and job burnout among correctional staff
EG Lambert, I Altheimer, NL Hogan
Criminal justice and behavior 37 (11), 1217-1236, 2010
Here today, gone tomorrow, back again the next day: Antecedents of correctional absenteeism
EG Lambert, C Edwards, SD Camp, WG Saylor
Journal of Criminal Justice 33 (2), 165-175, 2005
I want to leave: A test of a model of turnover intent among correctional staff
EG Lambert
Applied psychology in criminal justice 2 (1), 57-83, 2006
Job stress, job involvement, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment and their associations with job burnout among Indian police officers: A research note
EG Lambert, H Qureshi, J Frank, C Klahm, B Smith
Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology 33, 85-99, 2018
The impact of work-family conflict on social work and human service worker job satisfaction and organizational commitment: An exploratory study
EG Lambert, S Pasupuleti, T Cluse-Tolar, M Jennings, D Baker
Administration in Social Work 30 (3), 55-74, 2006
To stay or quit: A review of the literature on correctional staff turnover
EG Lambert
American journal of criminal justice 26, 61-76, 2001
Being the good soldier: Organizational citizenship behavior and commitment among correctional staff
EG Lambert, NL Hogan, ML Griffin
Criminal justice and behavior 35 (1), 56-68, 2008
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Articles 1–20