Thermal and mechanical properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes–polypropylene composites prepared by melt processing MAL Manchado, L Valentini, J Biagiotti, JM Kenny
Carbon 43 (7), 1499-1505, 2005
778 2005 Sensors for sub-ppm gas detection based on carbon nanotube thin films L Valentini, I Armentano, JM Kenny, C Cantalini, L Lozzi, S Santucci
Applied Physics Letters 82 (6), 961-963, 2003
668 2003 High concentration few-layer graphene sheets obtained by liquid phase exfoliation of graphite in ionic liquid D Nuvoli, L Valentini, V Alzari, S Scognamillo, SB Bon, M Piccinini, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry 21 (10), 3428-3431, 2011
480 2011 Processing of nanostructured polymers and advanced polymeric based nanocomposites L Peponi, D Puglia, L Torre, L Valentini, JM Kenny
Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 85, 1-46, 2014
332 2014 NO2 and CO gas adsorption on carbon nanotubes: experiment and theory S Santucci, S Picozzi, F Di Gregorio, L Lozzi, C Cantalini, L Valentini, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 119 (20), 10904-10910, 2003
290 2003 Morphological characterization of single-walled carbon nanotubes-PP composites L Valentini, J Biagiotti, JM Kenny, S Santucci
Composites Science and Technology 63 (8), 1149-1153, 2003
265 2003 Highly sensitive and selective sensors based on carbon nanotubes thin films for molecular detection L Valentini, C Cantalini, I Armentano, JM Kenny, L Lozzi, S Santucci
Diamond and Related Materials 13 (4-8), 1301-1305, 2004
223 2004 NO2 gas sensitivity of carbon nanotubes obtained by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition C Cantalini, L Valentini, L Lozzi, I Armentano, JM Kenny, S Santucci
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 93 (1-3), 333-337, 2003
212 2003 Analysis of the cure reaction of carbon nanotubes/epoxy resin composites through thermal analysis and Raman spectroscopy D Puglia, L Valentini, JM Kenny
Journal of applied polymer science 88 (2), 452-458, 2003
196 2003 Plasma fluorination of chemically derived graphene sheets and subsequent modification with butylamine SB Bon, L Valentini, R Verdejo, JL Garcia Fierro, L Peponi, ...
Chemistry of Materials 21 (14), 3433-3438, 2009
191 2009 Physical and mechanical behavior of single‐walled carbon nanotube/polypropylene/ethylene–propylene–diene rubber nanocomposites L Valentini, J Biagiotti, JM Kenny, MA López Manchado
Journal of applied polymer science 89 (10), 2657-2663, 2003
189 2003 Effects of single-walled carbon nanotube incorporation on the cure reaction of epoxy resin and its detection by Raman spectroscopy D Puglia, L Valentini, I Armentano, JM Kenny
Diamond and related materials 12 (3-7), 827-832, 2003
183 2003 Crystallization and melting behavior of poly (3-butylthiophene), poly (3-octylthiophene), and poly (3-dodecylthiophene) V Causin, C Marega, A Marigo, L Valentini, JM Kenny
Macromolecules 38 (2), 409-415, 2005
178 2005 Dynamic mechanical and Raman spectroscopy studies on interaction between single‐walled carbon nanotubes and natural rubber MA López‐Manchado, J Biagiotti, L Valentini, JM Kenny
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 92 (5), 3394-3400, 2004
177 2004 Sensitivity to NO2 and cross-sensitivity analysis to NH3, ethanol and humidity of carbon nanotubes thin film prepared by PECVD C Cantalini, L Valentini, I Armentano, L Lozzi, JM Kenny, S Santucci
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 95 (1-3), 195-202, 2003
173 2003 Sensors for inorganic vapor detection based on carbon nanotubes and poly (o-anisidine) nanocomposite material L Valentini, V Bavastrello, E Stura, I Armentano, C Nicolini, JM Kenny
Chemical Physics Letters 383 (5-6), 617-622, 2004
170 2004 Effects of single‐walled carbon nanotubes on the crystallization behavior of polypropylene L Valentini, J Biagiotti, JM Kenny, S Santucci
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 87 (4), 708-713, 2003
170 2003 Role of defects on the gas sensing properties of carbon nanotubes thin films: experiment and theory L Valentini, F Mercuri, I Armentano, C Cantalini, S Picozzi, L Lozzi, ...
Chemical Physics Letters 387 (4-6), 356-361, 2004
141 2004 A novel method to prepare conductive nanocrystalline cellulose/graphene oxide composite films L Valentini, M Cardinali, E Fortunati, L Torre, JM Kenny
Materials Letters 105, 4-7, 2013
133 2013 Effects of carbon nanotubes on the crystallization behavior of polypropylene L Valentini, J Biagiotti, MA Lopez‐Manchado, S Santucci, JM Kenny
Polymer Engineering & Science 44 (2), 303-311, 2004
130 2004