Dora Spenza
Dora Spenza
SRE-SWE at Google, former postdoc researcher at Sapienza University
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Cited by
Pro-Energy: A novel energy prediction model for solar and wind energy-harvesting wireless sensor networks
A Cammarano, C Petrioli, D Spenza
Proceedings of IEEE MASS 2012, 75-83, 2012
Wireless sensor networks with energy harvesting
S Basagni, MY Naderi, C Petrioli, D Spenza
Mobile Ad Hoc networking: cutting edge directions, 701-736, 2013
Beyond duty cycling: wake-up radio with selective awakenings for long-lived wireless sensing systems
D Spenza, M Magno, S Basagni, L Benini, M Paoli, C Petrioli
Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2015, 522-530, 2015
Online Energy Harvesting Prediction in Environmentally-Powered Wireless Sensor Networks
A Cammarano, C Petrioli, D Spenza
IEEE Sensors Journal, 2016
GreenCastalia: an energy-harvesting-enabled framework for the Castalia simulator
D Benedetti, C Petrioli, D Spenza
Proceedings of ACM ENSsys 2013, 7, 2013
Adaptive rectifier driven by power intake predictors for wind energy harvesting sensor networks
D Porcarelli, D Spenza, D Brunelli, A Cammarano, C Petrioli, L Benini
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 3 (2), 471-482, 2015
Counteracting Denial-of-Sleep Attacks in Wake-up-radio-based Sensing Systems
AT Capossele, V Cervo, C Petrioli, D Spenza
Proceedings of IEEE SECON 2016, 2016
A novel wake-up receiver with addressing capability for wireless sensor nodes
C Petrioli, D Spenza, P Tommasino, A Trifiletti
Proceedings of IEEE DCOSS 2014, 18-25, 2014
CTP-WUR: The Collection Tree Protocol in Wake-up Radio WSNs for Critical Applications
S Basagni, C Petrioli, D Spenza
Proceedings of IEEE ICNC 2016, 2016
Energy-harvesting WSNs for structural health monitoring of underground train tunnels
A Cammarano, D Spenza, C Petrioli
Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM WKSHPS 2013, 75-76, 2013
AGREE: exploiting energy harvesting to support data-centric access control in WSNs
G Bianchi, AT Capossele, C Petrioli, D Spenza
Ad hoc networks 11 (8), 2625-2636, 2013
Low-cost Standard Signatures for Energy-Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks
G Ateniese, G Bianchi, A Capossele, C Petrioli, D Spenza
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 2016
MagoNode++: A Wake-Up-Radio-Enabled Wireless Sensor Mote for Energy-Neutral Applications
M Paoli, D Spenza, C Petrioli, M Magno, L Benini
Proceedings of ACM/IEEE IPSN 2016 (Poster Session), 2016
Sensor mission assignment in rechargeable wireless sensor networks
TL Porta, C Petrioli, C Phillips, D Spenza
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 10 (4), 1-39, 2014
Sensor-mission assignment in wireless sensor networks with energy harvesting
TL Porta, C Petrioli, D Spenza
Proceedings of IEEE SECON 2011, 413-421, 2011
WHARP: A wake-up radio and harvesting-based forwarding strategy for green wireless networks
S Basagni, V Di Valerio, G Koutsandria, C Petrioli, D Spenza
2017 IEEE 14th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems …, 2017
Improving energy predictions in EH-WSNs with Pro-Energy-VLT
A Cammarano, C Petrioli, D Spenza
Proceedings of ACM SenSys (Poster Session), 2013
Wake-up radio-based data forwarding for green wireless networks
G Koutsandria, V Di Valerio, D Spenza, S Basagni, C Petrioli
Computer Communications 160, 172-185, 2020
HELIOS: Outsourcing of security operations in Green Wireless Sensor Networks
G Ateniese, G Bianchi, AT Capossele, C Petrioli, D Spenza
Proceedings of IEEE VTC 2017 Spring, 2017
Towards Self-Powered Wireless Sensor Networks
D Spenza
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Articles 1–20