John Renne
John Renne
Henry Shane Professor of Real Estate and Urban Planning
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Socioeconomics of urban travel: evidence from the 2001 NHTS
J Pucher, JL Renne
Transportation quarterly 57 (3), 49-77, 2003
Transit oriented development: making it happen
C Curtis, JL Renne, L Bertolini
Routledge, 2009
From transit-adjacent to transit-oriented development
JL Renne
Local Environment 14 (1), 1-15, 2009
Linking urban design to sustainability: formal indicators of social urban sustainability field research in Perth, Western Australia
S Porta, JL Renne
Urban Design International 10, 51-64, 2005
Rural mobility and mode choice: Evidence from the 2001 National Household Travel Survey
J Pucher, JL Renne
Transportation 32, 165-186, 2005
Traffic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic: Statewide analysis of social separation and activity restriction
S Parr, B Wolshon, J Renne, P Murray-Tuite, K Kim
Natural hazards review 21 (3), 04020025, 2020
Station area projects in Europe and beyond: Towards transit oriented development?
L Bertolini, C Curtis, J Renne
Built Environment 38 (1), 31-50, 2012
Transit-oriented development: Developing a strategy to measure success
JL Renne, JS Wells
Transportation Research Board, 2005
The cost and affordability paradox of transit-oriented development: A comparison of housing and transportation costs across transit-oriented development, hybrid and transit …
JL Renne, T Tolford, S Hamidi, R Ewing
Housing Policy Debate 26 (4-5), 819-834, 2016
Where does walkability matter the most? An environmental justice interpretation of New Jersey data
MR Greenberg, J Renne
Journal of urban health 82, 90-100, 2005
Carless and special needs evacuation planning: A literature review
JL Renne, TW Sanchez, T Litman
Journal of Planning Literature 26 (4), 420-431, 2011
How affordable is HUD affordable housing?
S Hamidi, R Ewing, J Renne
Housing Policy Debate 26 (3), 437-455, 2016
Evaluating transit-oriented development using a sustainability framework: Lessons from Perth’s network city
JL Renne
Planning sustainable communities: Diversity of approaches and implementation …, 2009
Transit-oriented development: measuring benefits, analyzing trends, and evaluating policy
JL Renne
Rutgers The State University of New Jersey, School of Graduate Studies, 2005
Transit commuting, the network accessibility effect, and the built environment in station areas across the United States
JL Renne, S Hamidi, R Ewing
Research in Transportation Economics 60, 35-43, 2016
National study on carless and special needs evacuation planning: A literature review
JL Renne, TW Sanchez, T Litman
Smart growth and transit-oriented development at the state level: Lessons from California, New Jersey, and Western Australia
JL Renne
Journal of Public Transportation 11 (3), 77-108, 2008
Socioeconomics of urban travel: Evidence from the 2009 National Household Travel Survey with implications for sustainability
JL Renne, P Bennett
World Transport Policy & Practice 20 (4), 2014
Challenge of evacuating the carless in five major US cities: identifying the key issues
JL Renne, TW Sanchez, P Jenkins, R Peterson
Transportation research record 2119 (1), 36-44, 2009
Transit-oriented development: an examination of America's transit precincts in 2000 & 2010.
JL Renne, R Ewing
Gulf Coast Research Center for Evacuation and Transportation Resiliency, 2013
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Articles 1–20