Global patterns of kelp forest change over the past half-century KA Krumhansl, DK Okamoto, A Rassweiler, M Novak, JJ Bolton, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (48), 13785-13790, 2016 | 823 | 2016 |
Production and fate of kelp detritus KA Krumhansl, RE Scheibling Marine Ecology Progress Series 467, 281-302, 2012 | 552 | 2012 |
Status and trends for the world’s kelp forests T Wernberg, K Krumhansl, K Filbee-Dexter, MF Pedersen World seas: An environmental evaluation, 57-78, 2019 | 433 | 2019 |
Toward a coordinated global observing system for seagrasses and marine macroalgae JE Duffy, L Benedetti-Cecchi, J Trinanes, FE Muller-Karger, ... Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 317, 2019 | 189 | 2019 |
Detrital production in Nova Scotian kelp beds: patterns and processes KA Krumhansl, RE Scheibling Marine Ecology Progress Series 421, 67-82, 2011 | 168 | 2011 |
Global estimates of the extent and production of macroalgal forests CM Duarte, JP Gattuso, K Hancke, H Gundersen, K Filbee‐Dexter, ... Global Ecology and Biogeography 31 (7), 1422-1439, 2022 | 162 | 2022 |
Grazing damage and encrustation by an invasive bryozoan reduce the ability of kelps to withstand breakage by waves KA Krumhansl, JM Lee, RE Scheibling Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 407 (1), 12-18, 2011 | 120 | 2011 |
Travelling light: white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) rely on body lipid stores to power ocean-basin scale migration G Del Raye, SJ Jorgensen, K Krumhansl, JM Ezcurra, BA Block Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1766), 20130836, 2013 | 83 | 2013 |
Drift algal subsidies to sea urchins in low-productivity habitats JR Kelly, KA Krumhansl, RE Scheibling Marine Ecology Progress Series 452, 145-157, 2012 | 76 | 2012 |
Detrital subsidy from subtidal kelp beds is altered by the invasive green alga Codium fragile ssp. fragile KA Krumhansl, RE Scheibling Marine Ecology Progress Series 456, 73-85, 2012 | 75 | 2012 |
Sympatric kelp species share a large portion of their surface bacterial communities MA Lemay, PT Martone, PJ Keeling, JM Burt, KA Krumhansl, RD Sanders, ... Environmental Microbiology 20 (2), 658-670, 2018 | 67 | 2018 |
Modeling effects of climate change and phase shifts on detrital production of a kelp bed KA Krumhansl, JS Lauzon-Guay, RE Scheibling Ecology 95 (3), 763-774, 2014 | 58 | 2014 |
Assessing the ecosystem‐level consequences of a small‐scale artisanal kelp fishery within the context of climate‐change KA Krumhansl, JN Bergman, AK Salomon Ecological Applications 27 (3), 799-813, 2017 | 49 | 2017 |
Spatial and temporal variation in grazing damage by the gastropod Lacuna vincta in Nova Scotian kelp beds KA Krumhansl, RE Scheibling Aquatic Biology 13 (2), 163-173, 2011 | 47 | 2011 |
A global dataset of seaweed net primary productivity A Pessarrodona, K Filbee-Dexter, KA Krumhansl, MF Pedersen, PJ Moore, ... Scientific Data 9 (1), 484, 2022 | 46 | 2022 |
Kelp carbon sink potential decreases with warming due to accelerating decomposition K Filbee-Dexter, CJ Feehan, DA Smale, KA Krumhansl, S Augustine, ... PLoS biology 20 (8), e3001702, 2022 | 40 | 2022 |
Assessment of Arctic community wastewater impacts on marine benthic invertebrates. KA Krumhansl, WH Krkosek, M Greenwood, C Ragush, J Schmidt, J Grant, ... Environmental science & technology 49 (2), 760-766, 2015 | 37 | 2015 |
Positive feedback between large-scale disturbance and density-dependent grazing decreases resilience of a kelp bed ecosystem JM O’Brien, RE Scheibling, KA Krumhansl Marine Ecology Progress Series 522, 1-13, 2015 | 36 | 2015 |
How transport shapes copepod distributions in relation to whale feeding habitat: demonstration of a new modelling framework CE Brennan, F Maps, WC Gentleman, S Plourde, D Lavoie, J Chassé, ... Progress in Oceanography 171, 1-21, 2019 | 34 | 2019 |
Environmental drivers of vertical distribution in diapausing Calanus copepods in the Northwest Atlantic KA Krumhansl, EJH Head, P Pepin, S Plourde, NR Record, JA Runge, ... Progress in Oceanography 162, 202-222, 2018 | 34 | 2018 |