Mauro Mancuso
Mauro Mancuso
Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine, NHS, South Tuscany, Italy
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Mirror neurons: action observation treatment as a tool in stroke rehabilitation
M Franceschini, M Agosti, A Cantagallo, P Sale, M Mancuso, G Buccino
Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 46 (4), 517-523, 2010
Age and gender differences in emotion recognition
L Abbruzzese, N Magnani, IH Robertson, M Mancuso
Frontiers in psychology 10, 2371, 2019
Prevalence and time course of post-stroke pain: a multicenter prospective hospital-based study
S Paolucci, M Iosa, D Toni, P Barbanti, P Bovi, A Cavallini, E Candeloro, ...
Pain Medicine 17 (5), 924-930, 2016
Telerehabilitation in poststroke anomia
M Agostini, M Garzon, S Benavides-Varela, S De Pellegrin, G Bencini, ...
BioMed research international 2014 (1), 706909, 2014
Using the Oxford cognitive screen to Detect cognitive impairment in stroke Patients: a comparison with the Mini-Mental state examination
M Mancuso, N Demeyere, L Abbruzzese, A Damora, V Varalta, F Pirrotta, ...
Frontiers in Neurology 9, 101, 2018
Italian normative data for a stroke specific cognitive screening tool: the Oxford Cognitive Screen (OCS)
M Mancuso, V Varalta, L Sardella, D Capitani, P Zoccolotti, G Antonucci, ...
Neurological Sciences 37, 1713-1721, 2016
Italian standardization of the apples cancellation test
M Mancuso, S Rosadoni, D Capitani, WL Bickerton, GW Humphreys, ...
Neurological sciences 36, 1233-1240, 2015
Current clinical practice in the screening and diagnosis of spatial neglect post-stroke: Findings from a multidisciplinary international survey
M Checketts, M Mancuso, H Fordell, P Chen, K Hreha, GA Eskes, ...
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 31 (9), 1495-1526, 2021
Clinical application of prismatic lenses in the rehabilitation of neglect patients. A randomized controlled trial
M Mancuso, M Pacini, P Gemignani, B Bartalini, B Agostini, L Ferroni, ...
Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 48 (2), 197-208, 2012
Neuropathic pain special interest group of the Italian Neurological Society. Prevalence and time course of post-stroke pain: a multicenter prospective hospital-based study
S Paolucci, M Iosa, D Toni, P Barbanti, P Bovi, A Cavallini, E Candeloro, ...
Pain Med 17 (5), 924-930, 2016
Transcranial random noise stimulation does not improve behavioral and neurophysiological measures in patients with subacute vegetative-unresponsive wakefulness state (VS-UWS)
M Mancuso, L Abbruzzese, S Canova, G Landi, S Rossi, E Santarnecchi
Frontiers in human neuroscience 11, 524, 2017
Emotion recognition impairment in traumatic brain injury compared with schizophrenia spectrum: similar deficits with different origins
M Mancuso, N Magnani, A Cantagallo, G Rossi, D Capitani, V Galletti, ...
The Journal of nervous and mental disease 203 (2), 87-95, 2015
A new standardization of the Bells Test: An Italian multi-center normative study
M Mancuso, A Damora, L Abbruzzese, E Navarrete, B Basagni, G Galardi, ...
Frontiers in psychology 9, 2745, 2019
Action observation therapy for upper limb recovery in patients with stroke: a randomized controlled pilot study
M Mancuso, SD Tondo, E Costantini, A Damora, P Sale, L Abbruzzese
Brain Sciences 11 (3), 290, 2021
Effects of spatial attention on mental time travel in patients with neglect
F Anelli, S Avanzi, S Arzy, M Mancuso, F Frassinetti
Cortex 101, 192-205, 2018
The assessment of hemineglect syndrome with cancellation tasks: a comparison between the Bells test and the Apples test
B Basagni, A De Tanti, A Damora, L Abbruzzese, V Varalta, G Antonucci, ...
Neurological Sciences 38, 2171-2176, 2017
Multisensory stimulation for the rehabilitation of unilateral spatial neglect
L Zigiotto, A Damora, F Albini, C Casati, G Scrocco, M Mancuso, L Tesio, ...
Neuropsychological rehabilitation 31 (9), 1410-1443, 2021
VRT (verbal reasoning test): a new test for assessment of verbal reasoning. Test realization and Italian normative data from a multicentric study
B Basagni, C Luzzatti, E Navarrete, M Caputo, G Scrocco, A Damora, ...
Neurological Sciences 38, 643-650, 2017
’Less is more’: validation with Rasch analysis of five short-forms for the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trust Personality Questionnaires (BIRT-PQs)
L Pellicciari, D Piscitelli, B Basagni, A De Tanti, L Algeri, S Caselli, ...
Brain injury 34 (13-14), 1741-1755, 2020
Effects of prism adaptation on reference systems for extrapersonal space in neglect patients
L Abbruzzese, A Damora, G Antonucci, P Zoccolotti, M Mancuso
Brain Sciences 9 (11), 327, 2019
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20