Dianna Hardy
Dianna Hardy
Senior Lecturer, College of Science and Engineering, James Cook University
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Cited by
Probes and prototypes: a participatory action research approach to codesign
D Madden, Y Cadet-James, I Atkinson, F Watkin Lui
CoDesign 10 (1), 31-45, 2014
Dilemmas in situating participation in rural ways of saying
N Bidwell, D Hardy
Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the Australian Computer-Human …, 2009
Co-designing with adolescents with autism spectrum disorder: From ideation to implementation
R Zhu, D Hardy, T Myers
Proceedings of the 31st Australian Conference on Human-Computer-Interaction …, 2019
Community led co-design of a social networking platform with adolescents with autism spectrum disorder
R Zhu, D Hardy, T Myers
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 52 (1), 38-51, 2022
Cohorts and cultures: developing future design thinkers
D Hardy, T Myers, M Sankupellay
Proceedings of the 20th Australasian Computing Education Conference, 9-16, 2018
Rural encounters: cultural translations through video
D Browning, NJ Bidwell, D Hardy, PM Standley
Proceedings of the 20th Australasian Conference on Computer-Human …, 2008
Moving beyond" just tell me what to code" inducting tertiary ICT students into research methods with Aboriginal participants via games design
D Hardy, E Forest, Z McIntosh, T Myers, J Gertz
Proceedings of the 28th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction …, 2016
Healing through ICT: Enhancing wellbeing in an Aboriginal community
D Madden, Y Cadet-James, F Watkin-Lui, I Atkinson
Journal of Tropical Psychology 2, e6, 2012
Domesticating design by a disenfranchised community
D Hardy, N Bidwell, Y Cadet-James, I Atkinson
Social Interaction and Mundane Technologies, 2007
Your SRB: a cross platform interface for SRB and digital libraries
MJ Wyatt, NGD Sim, DL Hardy, IM Atkinson
Australian Computer Society Inc 68, 79-85, 2007
Academagogy for enhancing adult online learner engagement in higher education
K Addanki, J Holdsworth, D Hardy, T Myers
A preliminary study using academagogy to uncover the problems that block adult online learner engagement
K Addanki, J Holdsworth, D Hardy, T Myers
Proceedings of the 24th Australasian Computing Education Conference, 95-104, 2022
Variations on a theme: academic integrity and program code
Simon, T Myers, D Hardy, R Mason
Proceedings of the Twenty-First Australasian Computing Education Conference …, 2019
C-DOM: A structured co-design framework methodology for ontology design and development
M Kingsun, T Myers, D Hardy
Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Science Week Multiconference, 1-10, 2018
Building applications that matter: Co-designing with adolescents with autism spectrum disorder
R Zhu, D Hardy, T Myers
International Conference on Health Information Science, 167-174, 2018
But it doesn't go with the décor: domesticating a telemedicine diabetes intervention in the home
S Jalil, D Hardy, T Myers, I Atkinson
Proceedings of the 26th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference on …, 2014
Linked data for cross-disciplinary collaboration cohort discovery
T Myers, J Trevathan, D Madden, T O'Neill
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2013
Enabling lightweight video annotation and presentation for cultural heritage
D Hardy, M Morgan, I Atkinson, S McGinty, Y Cadet-James, A Hannan, ...
eResearch Australasia 2008, Melbourne, Australia, 28 September-3 October …, 2008
Searching heterogeneous and distributed maritime databases: a technology prototype
D Hardy, N Sim, I Atkinson
Journal of the Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology, The 30, 1-7, 2006
Gugu Badhun women on the move: enhancing wellbeing in an Aboriginal community through the use of ICT
DL Madden
James Cook University, 2011
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Articles 1–20